Sunday, January 23, 2005

William Cosby would be proud.

we came home from church today, my sister and i. i was making lunch when...

karen says:
"hey goh goh, do you know who my best friend is?!"

carl says:
"uh, no... karen, i'm a little busy here..."

karen says:
"phillip! phillip is my best friend. and douglas too!"

carl says:
"um... karen, you can only have one best friend..."

karen says:
"you mean my best best bestest friend?! that's douglas!"

carl says:
"uh huh... wait, so why did you say phillip first?"


carl says:
"right... i'm kinda busy karen. why don't you go -"

karen says:
"douglas makes funny faces!"

*sighs and pauses*

carl says:
"uh huh. and is he ugly?"

karen says:
"NO! he's a BOY!"

*thinks: "what does being a boy have to do with it?"*

carl says:
"do you want noodles or not?!"

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