info @ the P.Pole 05.06
4 notable things of the end of May: - softball tourney + BBQ yesterday = good fun... playing football!
- do not eat 2 hotdogs and about a bazillion (more like +5) hamburgers before running, jumping, throwing, and catching
- TTC strike
- pissed off drivers/conductors are finally having a stand and i actually support them, even though i have no idea how many of them were attacked/assaulted/whatever
- this event really sucks for those who have no other [practical] options for transportation, especially that doctor i heard about this morning: apparently, there was a physician who had no other way to get to work, though one must wonder why a practicing doctor such as him/her would not just drive their car or even hire a taxi...
- +30°C weather, and ≈ 40°C with smog and humidity, and +50°C with ultimate frisbee
- cold showers
- sticky clothing
- lack of clothing
- high school woes are here
- Economics: final commentary due tomorrow
- History: final research essay due tomorrow, along with WWII Oprah/Springer/etc presentation scheduled for tomorrow
- Careers: ...
- French: study of Molière's le Bourgeois Gentilhomme will be concluded soon, bringing a final test
Labels: info
Tous les vents, Balayent les mots de coeur. Moi, je suis comme le vent: L'esprit à mille à l'heure. Je juge sans doute trop vite. C'est ok, tant pis. C'est juste là, je m'agite. Je grandis; l'amour aussi.
C'est au gré du vent Que j'aime vagabonder. Moi, je suis comme le vent: J'embrasse toute une armée, De rêves et de bleuets, Me plonger dedans. Je sais ce que je sais, Même si je pleure tout le temps Alors, dis...
Arrêtez, de me dire que le vent a tourné. C'est pas vrai. S'il te plait, Arrêtez, de dire que l'adolescence, c'est: Qu'on ne sait pas. Car moi, J'ai trouvé mon amour. C'est un souffle, c'est doux un vent d'amour: C'est léger, c'est l'alizé. Moi, je dis que l'amour Se boit jusqu'à la lie. Ce qu'elle veut, alizé l'a toujours.
Comme le vent, Emporte les mots de coeur, Dans un ouragan, Tourbillon mille à l'heure. Je suis sans doute comme lui. C'est ok, je suis Aux portes de ma vie. Je grandis, l'amour aussi.
C'est aux quatre vents Que j'aime être logée. Moi, je suis comme le vent, J'emporte tous mes secrets, Dans un jardin d'Eden. M'allonger dedans, J'espère que cet hymen, Durera longtemps. Alors, dis... - Alizée, L'AlizéAs promised, here's more of the pop sensation. This is one of Alizée's first singles. I'm thinking of sitting down and typing out the entire translation line-by-line for my French illiterate friends (who I pity, really) some time later. It's got an interesting message if you get it. For now, just click the title and hum along. NOTE: I'd just hotlink it without having you guys go to ZShare for it, but that's not nice to my friends at ZShare, so yeah. EDIT: Yes, I do understand the lyrics (90% of them anyway, but not so much the idiomatic lines), but mostly only in text because she sings faster than I normal conversation. Labels: Music
info @ the P.Pole 05.24.06
sorry guys, about putting the info post off until now. 5 current things to do with me: - i have started to watch The Office (finished season one, working on season two) and i must admit that it is just as good as Herm & Co. hyped it up to be
- Alizée has become my most/first/only favourite French pop-et-rock chanteuse (i think it might have something to do with the way she said "Merci." at the end of the video i posted up); i'll be posting a few more, but later on, just to make you guys wait
- first cuts were made to yearbook hopefuls and i made it, so i'll be having a meeting tomorrow at lunch to discuss further sorting out of the shake-its from the bake-its
- i totally killed the last history test and i'm actually very surprised (more on this in a bit)
- i have finally grown weary of wasting hours and hours with MSN on -- actually, it's more like my MSN Messenger likes to suck big time and not be fully compatible with my router system, meaning that it cuts my internet sometimes to log on, resulting in me using pretty much only Google Talk nowadays
about my history test, i scored a whopping 39 out of 40 (98%!!) on the latest test on the Holocaust/pre-Pearl Harbor period. i had pretty much given up on this course as i was receiving disgusting marks for no good reason and had just reasoned the teacher is a total jackass. anger aside, she really is messed up, regardless of what kind of marks she gives. it's how she does things that bugs me. funny thing is, she specifically started making tests with written components worth 50%, in my opinion, because people like me were doing well and you can't mark down right/wrong answers. naturally, i've been quite nasty in all things subjective in this course for the longest time. the morning of when i got this test back (i actually had no idea she was going to return it that day) i clearly remember praying to God for mercy from my history teacher (because i had forgot ALL my essay materials -- i.e. research notes folder + draft 1 -- at home, and this was apparently, a huge deal). i didn't exactly get what i expected. the librarian/assitant teacher for this essay was a total biznatch about me forgetting and made it a point to talk extra loud so that the entire class had to know that i, the oh so finite human being that i am, somehow found a way to forget things. she claimed that it was unfair that i had finished all my work on time and had simply left it at home with no one to bring it to school and to receive an extra day to bring it in to her. yeah, really unfair. i'm sure the rest of the class would really go up in a riot if she gave me an extra 24 hours to hand in something to her. anyway, i walked away from it before i got asplosive with her 1) incompetence as a "teacher" in holding the attention of a class and 2) two-facedness. after going on and on and on about how unfair it would be for me to hand in something late without penalization, she lets the class know that she herself forgot to mention certain things and forgot to photocopy certain things that would be essential for our essay writing (things such as, oh i don't know, expectations and outlines of what would be expected in terms of... hm, lemme think... everything). that's a bit unfair, don't you think? well anyway, i didn't exactly get a break with forgetting my stuff, but i did get a huge break on my history test. my teacher -- God bless her, especially because i don't like her -- actually gave me 20/20 for my written piece (which, you should know, is completely impossible) and then 19/20 on the fill-in-the-blanks section (on which i believe i received help directly from God). i think this because i simply cannot remember dates and information like dates for my life. i just can't. my mind isn't made for that. i humanly cannot remember that kind of trivia knowledge for anything more than 10 minutes. yet i got all that stuff right on the test. i only got one mark off, and even that was lucky. a question asked that i name 4 middle eastern countries in a league. i guessed all 4 and actually got 3/4 right. God's insanely cool like that. anyway, i must thank God for His providence (however sneaky and unexpected it may be). EDIT: Thank you, Anonymous, for your wise advice. Though there'll always be a certain gap between a perfect ideal (Christ's example) and everyday people, it's always good to pursue something that's just out of reach, wouldn't you agree? Thankfully, "there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." (Romans 8:1). Labels: info
Victoria Day
Today was an eventful day. Let's start from the morning, where I awoke to find that I had slept in by about half an hour, and I had to get ready within 15 minutes to get to church on time. In the end, we left when we should've arrived and arrived 20 minutes late. What can y'do? Worship, since I had missed most of it and came in somewhere near the end, felt pretty empty and disconnected from where I was, so I stood and just thought about the words. Like Dan said, our current form of what we call "worship" is really incomplete and just a small, relatively secondary aspect of worship as a whole. But that's besides the point. Pastor Ted had a message to preach about God's love and mercy in His man, His message, and... if there was a third point, I missed it. I caught most of it though, even as I was sketching and inking my latest creation, a self-portrait in a sense. Today's message was actually quite provoking and impacting, and I'm thankful to God for speaking through Ted today. Then came the response. Again, I did not dare open my cursed lips to sing anything, lest God be listening. I guess I just don't believe in doing anything if it's not from the heart outwards, and not an attempt to work towards the heart from outward actions. It just doesn't feel right. Call it cowardice or call it reverence. Maybe sensible hypocrisy is the best term to describe it with. Doesn't really matter. The monthly Communion came next and I had actually decided ahead that I would not be partaking, but Ted's small pre-Communion message got my attention. Jesus the Great Physician did not come to heal the healthy, but to heal the sick. And who more sick than I?! Laughing at myself, I sometimes think I'm a manic-depressed spiritual hypochondriac. So I ended up eating and drinking with my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, though a part of me wondered whether I was drinking hell and damnation upon myself, regardless of how careful and critical I had tried to be (i.e. as greatly as possible) while inspecting myself. I came up with the usual: I was once again short of God's standard of perfect obedience. The Communion made me really rethink and reconsider my orientation towards God. I'm glad God's grace really is infinite. Like I've been thinking and pondering lately, Jesus is the Infinite Bridge between an Infinite God and His oh so finite children. God's love is completely unlike anything anywhere. God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God. - 2 Cor 5:21 Sunday school wasn't really quite interesting today, as there was just a random party/role-play thing planned. Garry and I spent that time scripting (very roughly) a scene for this year's Christmas drama production. We joked around and brainstormed, just to get our heads back into the project. Fast forward to the night's program, which consisted of musical guests performing 60's, 70's, and 80's hits and a talent show. About 7 of us (5 stage hands and 2 actors) had been working on a little skit imitating the Matrix Ping Pong skit that a group of Japanese stuntmen did way back when. I'll be posting up the video recording of our version of it as soon as I get my hands on a copy. -Aside- In the mean time, click the title for a short video of a performance than non other than my new most favourite songstress (who happens to be French, yet English speaking as well). Her name is Alizée, a bubbly girl in her early twenties. There's something about her and her music that I can't quite place, but I like it, whatever it is. In the video, she's performing a Madonna cover of La Isla Bonita live. Check it out. -End aside- We won the talent show, but only by 2 votes. It was a close call of 209 to 207, with us beating Sharon's lovely traditional Chinese musical performance that I personally loved. I wasn't around to accept the award with the rest of the team, as I was preparing for the night's fireworks show that went off mostly without a hitch. Sam did manage to mount a firework upsidedown, thereby risking the safety of the audience and himself (even though he made it such a point to have everyone know to pay attention and be careful right before we started). He later laughed the goof-up off and even revelled in it. What silliness. Other than that, the night went off pretty nicely. My personal highlight was when I had just about given up on finding Crystal there last night, and she came out of nowhere to surprise me. I had just finished mooching a chip off of some random person's plate when Johnny pointed her out, standing at the door. I proceeded with escorting the wounded Princess (who had calf pains from sitting) around the church. We went upstairs and then took a break for Crystal to recuperate and then went back downstairs where we found two seats to the side of the foyer. Soon after, Mrs. Crystal (her mother) came up and told Crystal to meet some girl that was an acquaintance or something. I waved and said hi to Auntie, but she didn't seem to notice at all. -Aside 2- I've been getting mixed messages. Crystal's mother seems to ignore me whenever I say hi or wave or whatever, but Crystal tells me that's exactly the kind of stuff her mother wishes I would do more often. Seriously though, her mother scares me. -End aside- I was indirectly instructed to watch my Mistress' bag while she went to greet the girl, and so I did. I'm not too sure where this is going, but yeah. I was glad Crystal was around for me to poke fun at and walk and talk with. -Aside 3- I seriously suggest anyone who hasn't clicked the title to do so now to watch Alizée perform a cover of Madonna's La Isla Bonita. Apparently, Alizée took dance, singing, and acting when she was young and is now one of the most popular French singers. Go figures. She's good. -End aside- Labels: Music
Until you crash, until you burn, Until you lie, until you learn, Until you see, until you believe, Until you fight, until you fall, Until the end of everything at all, Until you die, until you're alive...
Don't save me. Don't save me, 'Cause I don't care. Don't save me! Don't save me, 'Cause... I don't care.
Until you give, until you've used, Until you've lost, until you lose, Until you see, how could you believe? Until you've lived a thousand times, Until you've seen the other side... This is my chance. This is my chance.
Don't save me. Don't save me, 'Cause I don't care. Don't save me! Don't save me, 'Cause... I don't care.
Until the truth becomes a lie, Until you change, until you deny, Until you believe... This is my chance. This is my chance. I'll take it now because I can. This is my chance; I want it now.
Don't save me. Don't save me, 'Cause I don't care. Don't save me! Don't save me, 'Cause I don't care.
Save me? Save me?! Save me... Save me. Save me!! Save me...
I don't care. - 30 Seconds to Mars, SaviorLabels: Music
If God is for us...
...who can be against us? We shall yet be free. Labels: Christianity
info @ the P.Pole 05.18.06
4 things i've got to do/finish up (before friday): economics: commentary (for tomorrow)
history: trash- careers: career research assignment (topic: pediatrician)
french: prepare survey (sondage) presentation for tomorrow
Labels: info
God's Love and Ours
7 Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. 8 Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 9 This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. 10 This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. 11 Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 12 No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us. 13 We know that we live in him and he in us, because he has given us of his Spirit. 14 And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world. 15 If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in him and he in God. 16 And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him. 17 In this way, love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment, because in this world we are like him. 18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 19 We love because he first loved us. 20 If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. 21 And he has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother. - 1 John 4:7-21, NIVLabels: Christianity
Emo Lvl. 3/4 - Tomb Crisis
Gaming trivia, nevermind that. It's a good title for this post though. Tombs are generally reserved for the dead - that is the rule, but there are exceptions (the case of Jesus should immediately jump to mind). Crises are mostly uncomfortable situations that denote a certain sense of urgency. A lot's been going through my mind lately, and I'm finding myself lacking. Lacking in motivation, lacking in emotion, lacking in wisdom, lacking in enthusiasm, lacking in purpose, and ultimately lacking in faith. I can't say it's not my fault, because it is. But only partially, I think. A constant, satanic knocking on my mind's door has worn me down. The words of the book of Isaiah are pleading my case. You were wearied by all your ways... Sadly enough, my life at this point seems to only reflect the first half of the verse, and not so much the second, which is: ...but you would not say, "It is hopeless." You found renewal of your strength, and so you did not faint. - Isaiah 57:10 It's not so much as me not needing a "renewal of strength". I do, because I'm only human. It's more like I don't want one. I don't, because I'm human. In this world, there's a certain stench in the air. It's a smell approximating a delicate mix between the aroma of a fresh and flavourful festoon of flowers and that of festering, feculent flesh. Something about mortality just doesn't sit well with me. I've always been one to find flaws and pick at them. If you know me, I'm usually pretty honest about what I hate about you. I usually don't mention what I like, but if there's something about you that I just can't stand, you'll know. Now I'm getting a taste of my own medicine. I hate myself but manage to love myself just the same. Within an interview on Bright Eyes' album, Fevers and Mirrors, Conor Oberst - frontman and lead vocalist of the band - has some very remarkable things to say. [transcript of interview, C - Conor, R - radio host] R: Well, we are glad you made it! Now, your new album, Fevers and Mirrors... Tell us a little about the title. I know there's a good deal of repeated imagery in the lyrics: fevers, mirrors, scales, clocks.... Could you discuss some of this? C: Sure. Let's see, the fever is.. what -! R: First - first let me say that, this is a brilliant record, man. We're all really into it here at the station. We get lots of calls. It's really good stuff. C: Thanks... Thanks a lot. R: So talk about some of the symbolisms. C: The fever? R: Sure. C: Well, the fever is basically whatever ails you, or presses you.... It could be anything; in my case it’s my neurosis, my... [pause] C: ...depression. But I don’t want it to be limited to that. It's certainly different for different people. So, whatever keeps you up at night. R: I see. [pause] C: And the - and the mirror's like, as you might have guessed, self-examination, or reflection, or whatever form.... This could be vanity, or self-loathing. I - I know I’m - I’m guilty of both... R: That’s interesting... How about the scale? C: The scale is essentially our attempt to solve our problems quantitatively, through logic or rationalization. In my opinion it’s often fruitless, but... [pause] C: ...always... [pause] C: ...not - not always... [pause] C: And the clocks and calenders it's uh - it's just... time... our little measurements. It's like... it's always chasing after us. R: It is. It is.
What's my fever? Pride? Anger? Hatred? Impatience? Selfishness? Self-pity? Passive aggression? Agressive passion? Somnolence? Banality? Apathy? I'm sure there's got to be something (if not everything in there and more) that's applicable. If anything, it's likely to be a mix of revelation and deviation. Perhaps I'm losing my faith. Maybe not in God, but in His creation. You know, in this and that. In him and her. In you and me. I'm sure at least one person knows what I mean. It's definitely one thing to know somethings (and believe me, I do know some things) and something completely removed from that to live and experience it. I'm sure you'll understand that it is one thing for someone to tell you that he or she loves you and something entirely different to be married to that very same person for, say, fifty years. Talk is cheap I guess ( I'm one to talk). I find an awkward paradox working itself out in my day-to-day life. On one hand, I think I would need fellowship and interaction with others. On the other hand, I've found myself seeking more and more solitude. On the first hand I've got the natural human need to belong somewhere, yet I find the more I learn and think about it all, the clearer these two facts become. - This imperfect world is filled with imperfect people (the club of which I should promptly and would gladly head up).
- I don't really need or want to be around anyway.
I've always wondered about death. Not so much as to what would follow for the deceased as much as to what would follow for those left in the mortal world. In the end, I guess that the way the death is dealt with by the living really depends on the dead. What and who he was will determine whether he is mourn-worthy or not. Ever think about who you'd... invite to your funeral? Speaking about death, that reminds me of tombs, and thus my title. If you'll be as uncharacteristically kind to click there, you'll find a nice surprise in store. I've uploaded Pilate's "Barely Listening" from Sell Control for Life's Speed. Beautiful album, really. [direct transcript from album booklet] lying awake on this phone call. she's dreaming of better days. flowers lie on the counter. reminds her of better days. she sends a prayer up to Jesus and asks Him for His strength. the night will go on bleeding. was it [really] faith that paid the rent? i know you're barely listening. standing here in the doorway with a candle and a gun. light tears through open windows, for now the day has won. i know you're barely listening. like a child on her way here, will you smile and run the other way? faith won't find you a reason. it just smiles and runs the other way. i know you're barely listening. you can't shape love with a hammer. you can't shape life with a will. what horror lies in knowing there's no fate that chaos can't kill. - Pilate, Barely Listening
This album has a few songs that talk about faith, such as "A Kind of Hope" and the above, "Barely Listening". Todd Clark knows how to write for emo children, as both Pilate albums have been heavily emo. The first ( Caught By The Window, 2003) was girl-brand emo (which I did find much use for back then). This one, I believe, is a different kind of emo. I'm not too sure what brand, but it's a good one. Likely to be a mix of faithless-emo and lovelorn-emo. I also have use for this emo, I think. Speaking of not being sure, I'm not too sure as to what sparked such thinking. It probably isn't of much importance anyway. I'm never really decided on anything anymore, as an old and very dear friend pointed out the other day. I must give her credit for being such a joy to talk with. Very well placed words. And it's true, I really don't know what I want, and it's not surprising. I don't know a lot of things, like what I'm trying to get at or what I'm trying to get across. So now, for lack of determined destination or predetermined purpose at hand, I'll ramble on about some things that have been running through my life and mind lately. I find it ironic that Paul would say that life is death and death in Christ is to live, given the way we Christians "live". We live as if we're dead, even though we've claimed to have died with Christ already. What is it really, to live and love in Christ? Is it that feeling of guilt I get when I know deep down that I really don't care about so-and-so's life story? Is it that tingling sensation that gnaws away at the pit of my stomach when I realize I've taken up another nail and rammed it deep into Christ's heart? Is it that unmistakable feeling of irony when one that you love adds insult to your injury? Is it to realize that I'm a sinner (and the worst of them at that) and then stand at a loss for what to do next? Is it to look up and see the sun through the top of this hell-hole and then continue digging? Certainly not. To live and love in Christ is what, to "seek Him"? Better yet, it's to "tell Him to show His face". What pride! What arrogance! To think that we could comprehend such immeasurable beauty! It's laughable, that we Christians would coin such ridiculous phrases to describe such laughable notions. Who is God, that you may look upon Him? This world has surely fallen, and far. He may be our Father in Heaven, but never forget that He is the almighty God of the universe and beyond. We are but specks of dust. Just single grains of sand on an infinite beach. God doesn't need you or I. God needs no one, yet loves every one. How can we possibly dare to have fellowship with such a Being, then?! God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God. - 2 Corinthians 5:21 So basically, we humans are off the hook. Of course, at such a great cost that it would be silly of me to try and come up with an analogy for it. Abraham loved his one and only begotten son. How much more would an infinite God love His only begotten Son. God spared Abraham his son's death, but did not spare His own Son. That's love for you. Apart from wondering what others think of myself (something I don't do too often, but I'm sure everyone does it from time to time), I wonder what God Almighty thinks about me. It's looking bleak at the moment. It's one thing to have an accident and a resulting foul-up. It's another to be an accident and live as a foul-up. Really, it all fits quite well within a different context. This one thing about me I've been wrestling with for the longest time, and I think a winner is finally shaping up, but it's not me. It's not like it's something I can just openly talk about, as I'm sure it would make others quite uncomfortable and permanently taint what some others have been trying to build all these years. I can predict what kind of "advice" or "comforting words" I'd get in return anyway, so there really is no point. From that one assumption, though, I can draw reasonable explanations for nearly all things in and of my life. All but one, which is the question of "How can God love me if I am what I am?" Naturally, you can deal with this quite easily if you just admit that He doesn't. But then again, Christ did come, die, and rise to be my Savior, so He obviously does. So why, then? Is it something I did? Is it something I earned? Was it something I said? Was it something I thought? Dreamed up? Actually, I'm quite sure there's no reason. There is absolutely no conceivable reason to love. Love needs no reason, I believe. Just as God is independant of all else, love is equally independant of rationality. Thank God for that. What's next on my list? Oh yes, anger and even hatred. For awhile now, I've been nursing a healthy hate-child. She wails and screams, but deserves love all the same. It's one thing to be angry with someone you hate. It's another to be angry with someone you love, yet that's exactly what I am right now. I don't know what you would say such a thing, and at such a time. I'll give you some slack since you really have no idea. All the same, it was an unnecessary comment and not only was it unhelpful, it was quite detrimental to my condition. Here's a tip for all you aspiring-to-be-nice-people out there, sometimes STFU is a lot more Christ-like than useless comments. It was quite a sad display, I must say. Who am I to talk though? Surely, I have no say in how others act. Just take a look at my own behaviour. I'm arrogant and snobbish, vain and critical, foolish and hypocritical. I know it. Don't tell me. Dear God, please don't tell me. Dear God, please don't show me anymore. It's not like I like being me. I really don't. Moving on though, I really don't know what to make of my "faith" anymore. It's not like I don't know the facts. Hell, I know enough facts to write an essay without need for any outside sources or references. So how come I feel like this? How come I feel like it doesn't really matter? A friend asked me the other day, "Do you ever stop and forget about all the facts, all the history, all the proofs, and just stop and wonder whether something or someone is actually out there?" I said, "No, I don't." And why is that? It's because I've got all these bloody facts in the way. Where's the faith? Where's the blind dependence? Where's the trust? It's like knowing everything there is to know about a celebrity, and never having met them. Stalkers develop a certain mental fixation on their targets the more they learn about them, so much so that they start believing that they actually know the celebrity and that they have a genuine relationship with them. I'm wondering whether the same goes for me and Jesus. Do I know Jesus or do I just know about Jesus. There is a subtle difference in there that I'm sure you'd agree would mean a world of difference. Am I a Christ-Follower or a Christ follower? You'll see that one can be identified as being connected to Christ, and the other as not. I'm running out of steam. I'm also running out of things to say, so I'll leave you with this question: How much of your God is you?Labels: Emo, Music
info @ the P.Pole 05.04.06
4 things i've grown quite fond of: - her O.o looks of disapproval
- her maladroit way with words
- the way she teases without even knowing it
- and last but not least, i am especially fond of the way she nags me
Labels: info
What's my Talent?
Well I tripped. I fell down naked. Well I scratched my knees. They bled. Sew up my eyes: need no more. In our game there is no score.
Forgive me Father. Why should You bother? Try honesty. Try honestly. Hop in your dumptruck. Reverse for good luck. Ride over me. Right over me. Take on the whole world. Fight with the young girls. Die, Tragedy. Die, Tragedy. Call me a cheapskate? Come on for Pete's sake. Cry, Agony. Cry, Agony.
I'm insane -- it's your fault. So sly. Your well of lies ran dry, And I cut the cord. Free fall. From so high we seem so small. - Billy Talent, Try HonestyI recently started listening to these guys again. Click the title if you wanna listen. Labels: Music
Brain Burn
I think 2 religious and/or philosophical discussions in a single day are more than I can humanly take on. Thank You, but my head really hurts now. Have fun with these: - What is "success"?
- What is "truth" and how do you know?
I've got to sleep more. EDIT: Make that 3 in a day. Labels: Christianity