I got tired of my Samurize dock and decided to tweak a little. I ended up making a whole other one from pseudo-scratch. That's what you'll see in the bottom left corner. As usual, there is the Winamp track progress bar (the larger blue stripe) and my CPU Idle percentage (I made two smaller semi-circular stripes that meet together at 9 o' clock for this one). The overall effect is pretty sweet I think. There's also the album art, current track number, and artist + title scroller. As you can see, my "dock" is mostly just a Winamp stats displayer replacement with an idle bar.
For the rest of my functionality requirements I've still got my tabbed Objectdock at the bottom of the screen and my invisible'd Vista start menu. A random thing I discovered about Vista (not sure if this works in XP) was that pressing Ctrl + Esc also brings up the start menu just as if I pressed the Windows key. Neato.
Labels: Aesthetics, Photos, Tech
ctrl+esc has existed since before windows button, that is Windows 95, most likely because there was no windows button
well... Timothy has already said what I wanted to say, about how ctrl+esc has existed for a long time.... I always use that when my mouse is not working too well (i.e. BTT107 days, when my mouse refused to work 99.9% of the time, so I relied soley on keyboard ;D)
hey that's a nice desktop :) I'd like to have something like that.... if I don't end up installing OS X onto my laptop this summer~
psst... left a message to you on facebook.
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