reconsider recycling.
Drink deep; drink long. For every drop that flows forth from my mouth brings me closer to my final destination, my final resting place if you will. Who am I? Who are you? I’ve served so many previous owners that I’ve long forgotten my first form. Being broken down and reformed numerous times does that. As a result, I have no recollection – not even the slightest inkling – of lives I’ve led. When I looked upon my fellow comrades beside me in these chilled avenues, I see that the brand new recruits stand firm, strong, and oh so naïve. They brandish their paper stripes with pride and honour. It’s hard to imagine that I was like them once. I’ve doubtless led very interesting lives; reincarnation is a fascinating thing. I might have held the purest of the liquids at one point, or have contained the most pressing of fluids ( that would have been a stressful life, I’m sure). I much prefer the flavourful existence I lead now, as I idle here awaiting your next drag of my sweet nectar. But I still think, “What’s the meaning of life?” It’s just an endless cycle. I must find a way to break out. I long to find nirvana; thus, I continue to live, for I know that every re-entrance into circulation brings me closer to my liberator, the one who will remove me from this endless loop you call life, the one who will throw me in the trash.
Lost Time
I wasted our time when you were here. Now you're gone and all I hear Is the gentle sigh of the breeze As my lone soul begins to freeze.
info @ the P-Pole 03.28.05
this week's list, although preceded by my "favourites" post, will be: 5 things i find hard to do: - cactus petting
- breaking bad habits
- inducing menstruation/labor/menopause in myself
- tickling myself
who wants to play this game?
it occurred to me today while chatting with old friends over a good serving of air that there's a lot that people don't know about me. now, whether or not it's information that the general public wants to know is a completely separate topic. now, fro my farourites. My favourite: - animals: cows. so useful...
- article of clothing: my Billabong hat
- band: Weezer
- book (series): "His Dark Materials", Philip Pullman
- candy: Clod Hoppers
- cuisine: Japanese
- food: rice. sorry, i had to do it.
- instrument: tie between the bass and the harmonica
- instrument (that i can play somewhat well): the cello
- pair of pants: my light-blue-jeans-that-i-am-wearing-at-this-very-moment (i just realized)
- person: Paul, Servant of Christ
- EDIT [03.29.06]: scripture: "You were wearied by all your ways, but you would not say 'It is hopeless.' You found renewal of your strength, and so you did not faint." Isaiah 57:10
- secular song: "Such Great Heights", The Postal Service
- sweater: my Quiksilver sweater
- EDIT [03.29.06]: dressing style: long sleeves + t shirt on top
- t-shirt: my red, "triple five soul" t-shirt
note: i will update this list occasionally, once i think of the possible categories and their respective winners.
so i haven't...
been home much lately. by lately i mean the last, oh, five days. it all started with Teens' Conference (9:00 am till 9:30/10:00 pm). there passed my monday and tuesday. next, came "Last Supper" rehearsals. being the highly dedicated team/cast/crew that we were, we spent most of wednesday (6:00 pm to -late- for set-up), thursday (4:00 pm to -midnight- for set-up continued and drama rehearsals), and almost all of friday (10:00 am to 11:30 am for Good Friday service, then 12:00 pm to -late- for last minute prep and rehearsal, then show time) at church, prepping and practicing. after all that, i'm about to head out, back to church, for the repeat airing of "the Last Supper: A TJCAC Production". i admit, the "results" and "harvest" at the end of last night was nothing near what i had expected and i must say, i'm tired, i'm bored, and i'm just about spent. but you know what? it's all good. cause we know it's what God wants to do, so who am i to throw in the towel?! He'll deliver in the end. "...because You say so." - Simon Peter
lately i've grown quite fond of a show on the Discovery Channel, a little enterprise called "Myth Busters". i know not why i find mindless destruction and child-like, adult, caucasian men entertaining but i do know that it is a winning combination. i recently witnessed one very interesting installment where they tested one account of a man who bravely ascended to the heights of commercial airliners, supported by only his lawn chair. attached to this lawn chair were the man's necessary items for his daring venture: several dozen weather balloons, ballasts consisting of many sand bags, and a case of beer. for his descent, he carried with him a small bibi gun with which he planned to perforate the skin of the balloons with. for trained professionals within a closely monitored and relatively safe environment (as was the case with Myth Busters), replicating such a task would seem only ever so slightly hazardous. after all was said and done and the myth proven feasible, it was discovered that this "myth" had actually been acted out by a man in the United States who had one day decided to take a ride on his lawn chair into the heavens after smuggling many a weather balloon out from work. he had apparently drifted to upwards of 12 000 feet and had to be called down by state officials who had received hundreds of calls from local citizens who were scared and shocked at what appeared to be an unidentified flying object in the skies. another thing to add to my to do list.
info @ the P-Pole 03.23.05
so yesterday was my sister's birthday. i've also had 2 days of Teens Conference. i might as well have contracted laryngitis, but it's all good. TC was fun and yummy and all gooey in my tummy. this week's list: 5 things that i think kick ass: - beefy drumming
- loud Asians
- heavy bass lines
- God
- electric violining
which makes TC the hoochie-momma-super-duper-whopper-ass-kicker because it was full of all this stuff! made me giddy... LURVE IT UP!
"today is tomorrow's yesterday."
that was the most redundant thing that i've ever said/typed/heard/ read. well, i have teens' conference tomorrow and i'm hoping it's not as boring as i think it will be. from what i've heard, it is one of those love or hate things with people.
i wonder...
Warning: The following deals with mature subject matter. The opinions and views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of or its associates. Only proceed if you have read the above and have agreed to hold nothing against this article's author for views expressed. do tampon/mentrual pad makers ever think of branching into making "nose-bleed" products? i mean, it seems like the logical way to go if you're already developing products intended to catch and hold blood, plus, there ins't a nose-bleed product industry as of date. if one company does branch into this new and unexplored field, it will be able to hold a small monopoly over this industry before other pad/tampon manufacturers can catch up on development and research.
additionally, menstrual pad producers should consider a brand new product, a mentrual pad that can also double as a coffee filter, although it would be most desirable if the pad was not used for both purposes in whichever order. just think of the possibilities! instead of going to two separate sections/stores to purchase two already closely related products, one must only buy one pack of such period/coffee grind-barriers! the time saved would be enough to make this product a must-have for every household!
"what have we here? it seems this little boy's lost... brothers and sisters, how shall we deal with this young vagrant?are you lost? who's responsible for you? who are you with? where are you going?""..." "what's your name?""..." "okay. well, do you know where your home is?""no." "how can we help you?""... nevermind." [exit you and i]
info @ the P-Pole 03.14.05
last week was quite a week, what with me learning nothing of significance at school and me doing nothing constructive in my free time. i'd say lots was accomplished in the past 186 hours and 25 minutes. this weeks list: 5 embarassing things i do while no one's watching: - scratch.
- try to play air-guitar and do it horrendously
- cock/turn my head when cornering in racing games
- sing (in the shower)
- snap, crack[le], and pop everything in my skeletal structure that will readily entertain such maltreatment without staging a revolt
speaking to my Self
"wake up, you're going to be late.""huh?" "hurry up! you'll really be late at this rate.""late for what?" "oh come now Karl, pardon my cliché but, 'wake up and smell the roses'!""note to Self, be less vague." "not a good time for sarcasm. you know how much they hate that stuff.""oh do they? I had no idea. I always thought it was cute of Karl." "man, are you in for a surprise...""so what am I late for again?" "well, it says here that you've got a boat to catch.""oh yeah? let me see that..."
as the wheel turns, history is doomed to repeat itself. yet every time, we humans always choose to discover new ways to do old deeds. new ways to move old bodies and new ways to think old thoughts. we'll find new ways to solve old problems and new ways to feel old feelings. and so, i stand at a fork in the path. left or right? does it matter? will people cheer because of left? will nations crumble because of right? there's always the choice of back, back to where i came from. back home, where i will be comfortable and safe. safe from hurt, pain, and treachery; and safe from something better, something new. not to say that new is always better. some things are better left unaltered, unchanged. change can, and has - in history - been predominantly blotched and tainted by changes for the worse. not that change is never for the better. if things were never new, things would never get old. stagnation is a fate worse than death. i better start changing.
info @ the P-Pole 03.08.05
last week brought me disgruntlement. this week's list... 5 of my favourite songs (in random order): - Hurt - Johnny Cash
- Caring is Creepy - The Shins
- Perfect Thrill - Pilate
- Hello - Evanescence
- Time of Your Life - Green Day
note: i had considered putting a list of "honorable mentions" but after reviewing it, i decided it would be way too long. it's funny how we often equate "good taste" (esp. to do with music) with "pickiness". therefore, the people with the best taste in music should have only one song that they like, right? maybe it's just me, but i find that ridiculous.
I always knew you were ghetto fab.
i turned out to be goth/drama nerd... seems to have hit the nail on the head, although i was kinda hoping for "Cheerleader"...
bitch and whine
all you want. i don't care. revenge, spite, and jealousy don't really suit my style but i'm not going to impose my values on you. maggots are lowly creatures that are only good for stomping on, not worrying about. comments and assumptions lacking a foundation of all the present facts and information are usually incorrect and unfounded; thus, don't be a maker of such idiocy. what pisses me off is not that maggots don't like me. i would never hold anything against anyone just for disliking me because that's retarded in my opinion. what can i say? there's plenty to dislike. in fact, here are some steps towards hating on others: 1. Select a legitimate reason. - personality
- attitude
- physical features
- (other) ________
2. Be perfect. (no need for a third step) i'm not the type to sit around all day, moping just because a pack of vultures sit around watching my every move, waiting for a chance to strike. on the other hand, if these contemptuous comments were coming from people that really know me, i'd have to wonder "do i deserve this?" but they aren't so i can rant all i want. i know i didn't do anything horrendously wrong to deserve this yet my back is constantly pelted by menial attemps at bringing me down. i'm trying hard to rant about you stupid losers who sit around tracking my marks and performance without being excessively obsene. one day, i swear, your cowardice will push me too far and i'll have to go uber-hyper-explosively-crude with my language on you. but then again, that day may never come because it takes a lot to really piss me off like that. so, bitch and whine all you want, i'm still going to do whatever i want to do, whenever i want to do it, and however well i want to do it, so drop the whole pissy selfconscious jealous loser act before it gets old, not that it should've ever been new. it's funny, because i know that eventually, ONE of you will read this (hopefully) and find a kind of sick satisfaction in knowing that you made me write this whole post just because of you. that's right, i'm sure you read this garbled mix of ideas and opinions, and that you complain about it too. my only solution (that you were - i guess - too stupid to see) is to NOT READ my stuff. if you don't like it, go away. i have no time for scoffers, mockers and retards. jimmy eats world always makes me feel better when this kind of stuff happens to me. this has been a continuation of "...and then one day..."
"are you forced to stick with whatever decision you make now?""yeah, that's what blows." "that blows big, meaty chunks.""i want to leave my choices open, so i think i'll take the three sciences." "three sciences does have the widest variety of options.""it'd be a lot easier to choose if i had any clue of what i am going to be... you know, i thought about going for just regular with biology or physics... then i felt stupid."
...and then one day...
do you want to know what i abhor? people who aren't up to par with me. don't get me wrong, i'm not being stuck-up or anything like that. i'm talking about people who think that they're not as good as me in whatever - to be more precise, in terms of marks at school. i hate that. do you know why? not because i don't like these people themselves, but i don't like the way they usually end up acting towards me. you know what i'm talking about if you have personal standards that are "different" (i.e. higher) than those of others. just because you sucked and bombed (where i didn't), doesn't give you the right to trash talk about anyone. if you feel so angry about something as trivial as marks in GRADE-FUCKING-NINE then you are a retard. if you want to do something about it, don't say/try to predict things out of spite; instead, go do something that's actually constructive about it. might i suggest working harder? and it's not like someone can perform phenomenally in EVERYTHING. you could go find something that you can "beat" me in. i'm sure there's something out there. hell, there's probably loads of things that i'm not good at. they just aren't as noticable OR i'm really good at dodging it. what really ticks me off about this whole subject is that people who are in the red when compared to me make the situation for me a lose : lose situation. if i do well, i am received by jealous scoffers waiting for my fall. if i do bad, well, then i'm screwed. it's a lose : lose situation. i hate people.
info @ the P-Pole 03.01.05
this week's list, things that make me want to be anywhere else but present. 5 things that are discomforting to me are: - crying girls - no explanation needed, yes?
- rebellious springs that fail to conform (i.e. through application of excessive weight improperly at one time or another)
- large crowds
- excessively beautiful people
- friends who subconsciously or otherwise use profanity/obsene phrases when parents are present