Tuesday, March 01, 2005

...and then one day...

do you want to know what i abhor? people who aren't up to par with me. don't get me wrong, i'm not being stuck-up or anything like that. i'm talking about people who think that they're not as good as me in whatever - to be more precise, in terms of marks at school. i hate that. do you know why? not because i don't like these people themselves, but i don't like the way they usually end up acting towards me. you know what i'm talking about if you have personal standards that are "different" (i.e. higher) than those of others.

just because you sucked and bombed (where i didn't), doesn't give you the right to trash talk about anyone. if you feel so angry about something as trivial as marks in GRADE-FUCKING-NINE then you are a retard. if you want to do something about it, don't say/try to predict things out of spite; instead, go do something that's actually constructive about it. might i suggest working harder? and it's not like someone can perform phenomenally in EVERYTHING. you could go find something that you can "beat" me in. i'm sure there's something out there. hell, there's probably loads of things that i'm not good at. they just aren't as noticable OR i'm really good at dodging it.

what really ticks me off about this whole subject is that people who are in the red when compared to me make the situation for me a lose : lose situation. if i do well, i am received by jealous scoffers waiting for my fall. if i do bad, well, then i'm screwed. it's a lose : lose situation.

i hate people.


21:56, Blogger blkmage:

So, what did you get?
Uh... 90.You arrogant batard!


So, what did you get?
Uh... 30.ftw? how could you?

16:47, Blogger quierdo:

nooooooooo don't hate people... hating isn't good for you! It creates anger.. and then the build up of anger.. ahh don't want to explain =D

17:46, Blogger Unknown:

(click title to finish previous post)


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