
We saw a lot of stuff downtown and you can find the photographic evidence at my flickr. I've been using flickr for the last couple months and I'm quite fond of its convenience and clean look and feel. I especially like the nifty description and image name editing that are quick and simple (i.e. doing these things on other service providers such as Mediamax is a real chore). For image hosting (like the image you see at the start of this post) I use Imageshack. Queenie told me to use it and I finally got around to it (I never bothered to try it out for no reason before... FTW).
Anyway, flickr and Imageshack honourable mentions aside, destinations of today's trip all over downtown include the three floors of the Eaton's Center (the Coast Mountain Sports there had three floors worth of Nalgenes but sadly, not a single one that was pleasing to my eye), up and down Queen Street, Burrito Boyz, the Silver Snail, all down what I think was Neville Street, a closed Bay-Bloor Radio, and Ginger for dinner (a little Vietnamese restaurant beside a strip club). After dinner, we just started strolling along Yonge and walked off all the food we had (burrito was decently sized but dinner wasn't super heavy). All in all, a fun day.
I don't know why but I felt very anxious at times (mostly the quieter times on the subway) and it's a stirring feeling. Fun though. It was funny when I received a 2007 calendar full of, what I think was, Hugo Boss or Calvin Klein (or something to that effect) male models as a gag gift. I didn't bother taking a picture but I was genuinely relieved when Queenie busted a Shrinky Dink "bones fish" out of her purse. This one was to replace the one I'd made myself (and snapped accidentally months ago) and serve as the actual gift (or bonus... to the very homosecular calendar). Very sweet.
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