Saturday, June 30, 2007

info @ the P.Pole 06.30.07

5 of my PSX games that I'm now rehashing:
  • Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage - IMO one of THE best games I've ever played/beat. This series has got a special place in my heart because I spent many hours with Grant beating Spyro games (and Crash games) in our childhood days (which are, sadly enough, coming to a close quite quickly).
  • Final Fantasy Tactics - I've always owned this game but I never took it up seriously because I was either too young or in the process of playing "Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together" which is another RPG/strategy type game that's about the same in style. Now that I've got it on my PSP and I've got the energy and mind for it, I've taken it up and let me say, this game is amazing. One the best, definitively, that I've ever played (and I've played a lot).
  • Metal Slug X - I technically don't have this exact game but I do have a few other "Metal Slug" games in my library. I'm generally not a huge fan of arcade-like sidescrollers but this one is one that I enjoyed because I used to play it a lot with my uncle Keith when he was a visa student here (that was WAY back in the day, when I was seven or so). Fun pick-up and play distraction is alright.
  • Vagrant Story - This one I've yet to actually start but I intend to soon. All I remember about this RPG game is that it had a weird way of doing the battle system. My dad loves this game and used to play it while I watched. It was pretty neat and so I intend on giving it a good thorough whirl myself.
  • Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together - Here's the last title to make the cut so far. I mentioned this game before. To give you an idea of how much I am a fan of this game, on my actual PlayStation game savefile I've achieved a 150+ hours of gameplay with all my characters uber'd. This game, I think, was the first of its kind that I seriously ever got into. I remember playing this after school when I went to my grandma's. I'd blaze through any homework and then get a-crackin' on the training. Now that I've got it portable... well, I don't see how I'll be doing much of anything else once I start. That's why I've got to put off starting a new game for as long as I can so I can finish the other games first.
Note: Click the titles to see their pages on Amazon.

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