Wednesday, June 20, 2007


If there's one thing I like, it's a good baked potato with chives, cheese, and sour cream. I had four exams to do and did two yesterday. By the time I finished the chemistry exam (after a 2 hour biology exam finished in 40 min flat) I had the makings of a headache. Tomorrow I've got to write an English exam. There are two possible outcomes, one of which I doubt will ever be the case:
  1. I write an exam, a stellar commentary on a sight piece, and Ms. Olsheski has a brief revelation and realizes all the potential or even just validity of what I'll say in my analysis and she'll give me a great mark of 85% and up.
  2. I write the commentary and Ms. Olsheski, upon reading what I have to say, will be reminded of all the times she's circled and underlined random words and phrases (much Ms. Quejada) and continue with her fiendish ways of being petty, stubborn, and tunnel-visioned, landing me a mark no greater than 75%.
As for any marks landing between 75% and 85%, I'm willing bet that she won't even consider it. If she's in on of those "Oh I love this but I don't know what it is" moods, then I suspect success, otherwise, she'll pick my commentary out of the entire two classes' worth and dump on it. I'm actually not too worried since it is grade 11 (read: not IB) English and she is a stubborn toad. Usprech went "WTF?!" at my first term English mark (as did I) and I expect to do so again at my final. Does this count as fatalism or just expecting the worst?


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