Everybody, come hither and bask in the light of the little mentioned but oh so stunning Silver PSP. I mentioned spotting this thing a while back but I had never gotten a chance to see it again/find it again since then until today. My parents happen to be out of the house at the moment so I got to take a few sneaky shots of it without anyone knowing. My dad is a sneaky one, what can I say. I didn't even know they made them in silver... It's too bad there's already word of a PSP 2/Slim coming out...
On a PSP related note, I am still considering whether or not I should custom firmware my PSP... I'm wary of writing over the flash memory of it since I might brick my PSP ("brick" means to freeze up the PSP and turn it into, well, a brick). I also happen to own the games I play so I don't have any real motivation to go ahead and get a homebrew firmware. It would be nice to have PDF reader on it though...
Labels: Cool, Photos, Purchases, Tech
should this not be "rumour confirmed"?
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