Monday, May 14, 2007

info @ the P.Pole 05.14.07

I was listening to Arthur's sermon yesterday about... I don't exactly remember what it was focused on. Nevertheless I recall topics of a cruise, fellowship through the person of Christ, and discipleship. I also remember distinctly hearing the following sentence:
"If Christ is the center, then we will suffer... for each other's sake."
Now is it just me or is that really cute? I personally find it amusing to pick at people's words to find out what they may really mean. First of all, it seemed funny that he paused immediately after saying that we would suffer. It's almost as if his thought process stopped there and concluded focusing on Christ naturally leads to suffering (which, I do not deny, probably does and should happen), but it shouldn't stop there. And then I suppose he tagged on the second part about for whose sake we ought to suffer because he realized how awkward the first part of the line sounded. Of course, this would've been a good save if only it hadn't contradicted the first part. Now, I could go hypercritical (or is it hypocritical?) here and start really nitpicking about what this all means, but I'll that for your skills of deduction (or was it induction?).

On a completely unrelated note, I've started using my Vista partition much more lately and that's probably due to my XP boot getting old and cluttered. I like neatness. I also don't mind a fresh look. I've got my sidebar with my drives and clock running on the right, my recycle bin (only icon deserving of actual space on my desktop) in the corner, and my quicklist of progrmas in my start menu. I'm also rocking a Samurai Champloo background that I played with.

(click the thumb for a larger view)

Here are the links to the individual files, if anyone's interested:

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