Opera Hates Me
There's been a lot of buzz about different web browsers (Firefox, IE, Opera, etc...) and after having checked what this page looks like from a friend's Opera install, I'm thoroughly disappointed. My precious time spent coding my pretty pretty sidebar menu seems to have been wasted as far as Opera users are concerned, since they don't render properly--I'm sure it's probably got to do with my coding rather than Opera's capabilities but nevertheless, boo.

Of course, they pan out perfectly from Firefox (if from nothing else--IE you're just as screwy too). After all, I did code it for Firefox.

I'm not too concerned about this issue, though, since, well, Opera users are few and far apart and I'm sure anyone using Opera would know to just, you know, look up the page source for all the linking goodness otherwise lost. Still, I wonder why there must always be such inconsistencies from one platform to another. Can't we all just play nice?
I just noticed the pingback...
This is Carl right? LOL thanks for the link back =D U've got a nice looking blog here!
Safari has the same problem as Opera. From what I can see, it looks like a float problem. Don't worry, I still use good old Gecko-based browsers. Camino ftw.
i was about to tell you (4 months ago), but never really got around to it because i just sifted through source code when i needed a link, as you said.
safari and opera have the same problem rendering your code because they both conform to the Web Standards Project (http://www.webstandards.org/) (i.e. they pass the Acid 2.0 Test), which some browsers either do not agree with or simply have not implemented.
micorsoft IE is considered the reason why the web is littered with 'dirty' code because they have such a monopoly that they felt they could do whatever they wanted and developers had to create workarounds. each iteration of IE allowed those problems to persist for fear of losing users who have grown accustomed to those old coding ways.
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