Friday, April 06, 2007

The Theory of Context

So today I've been writing my Theory of Knowledge IB paper on the topic line: "'Context is all' (Margaret Atwood) Does this mean that there is no such thing as truth?" It's been a fun... oh, eight hours of on and off working with some fragging mixed in. Seeing as how I essentially flunked my last ToK paper (68% or 17/25, and that's with my teacher being nice and not deducting 3 more points for mistreatment of topic), I'm not gunning to suck again (and I better not, seeing as how this essay is the huge final paper worth the bulk of my ToK mark).
I used a simple algebra geometry example to illustrate a counter argument to my position (that truth is completely contextual in nature) and Garry helped me out with the customary disassembly thereof (that is, me shooting it down, countering the counter). I'm thinking this piece is turning out pretty damned solid, but again, with philosophy, anything goes.
Speaking of math, it seems I work exceptionally well/diligently after failing at first. I already posted about how I blew a math quiz the other day and how that thoroughly upset me. Well, the latest math test I remember reviewing for in my head the night and morning before and I ended up doing very well on that. Plus, my mark actually went up with the crappy quiz, so maybe I ought to die on quizzes more often. Sure works towards keeping my head level, a task of mammoth proportions in itself.



13:43, Anonymous Anonymous:

"Context is all; or is it ripeness? One or the other."
^i'm reading the book and i didn't even know it. woooow


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