Tuesday, March 06, 2007

info @ the P.Pole 03.06.07

It's funny (not really actually) that I just finished writing a philosophy essay about morality (of various "isms" such as racism, sexism, and the like). I'm quite pleased with my work but I find it somewhat ironic that someone like me would be writing a piece on morals. Then again, perhaps that's all I'm good at, discussing rather than enacting. Maybe I'm just an "ideas guy" and not so much a "do stuff about stuff guy".
I've got to publicly thank Moyee here for lending me her The Grand Inquisitor (by Fyodor Dostoevsky) as I used it extensively to explain and back up my arguments against prejudice, but also against equality as well. That's right, you read correctly. I was bashing equality of all things. In the end, I came to the conclusion that equity (as in fair treatment) was the only morally correct ideal as it stands as the "happy medium" (rather, as the "Golden Mean") between overemphasis on differences (prejudice) and complete rejection of the reality of differences (absolute equality).
Anyway, I'm looking forward to my March Break as I'll be spending two days at Teens Conference, another two days frantically finishing commentaries for English and Economics (the Evil E's), and the last day (hopefully) going for a lark (hopefully) not alone.
Here's a music update for all you Japanese-rock perverts out there:
The Pillows - My Foot

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23:18, Blogger gusto5:

lol, you knowing too much doesn't even register on my paranoid radar =D


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