Disturbingly Cool
I've had a PSP for awhile now. Most people don't believe me when I tell them that my dad was the one to want it first--I just have fun with it whenever he's not using it--but it's true.
Having played with it on and off for many months now, I think I can give a pretty good summary of the sweet package. My PSP is a white one which hails from Hong Kong. Before you write it off as a fake, I assure that it's the real deal. It's made in Japan and thus, has a Sharp screen (as opposed to the Samsung screens used in models made in China--that is, the ones available state-side). I remember it cost my dad about $150 CDN when he bought it a month or so after it was released here in NA.
My favourite part about the PSP is its screen. The screen's beautiful. It's sleek, wide where it counts, and views beautifully even from the side (I'm still talking about the screen you pervs). I remember having brought it to some event night at church and watching Advent Children on it while almost four children crowded around to join me. Everyone go a piece and no one go the dreaded side-glare that some devices (like the backlit GBA SP) give off. And all this is important, especially if you don't buy into Nintendo's BS that graphics don't matter, and if you plan on watching movies off your PSP. Really, if I'm going to shoot a zombie's head off, I want to see ALL the splatter effects you can conjure up.
Anyway, without going into any more detail, here are a few pics of my baby running Tekken and her pretty backside.

For the more... gadgetsexual ones out there, here's a pretty interesting picture I found on Kotaku the other day. I've been dying for a chance to post this.
NOTE: I think today I accidentally stumbled upon a second (that's right, a second) PSP in my dad's room. That's just like him to go buying electronics without anyone else knowing (I'm sure my mother would go nuts if she found out... He pulled this same stunt with GBA SPs too, which explains why I have two). But get this: this fabled second PSP is neither black nor white, it's silver. I'll sneak some shots of it the next time both my mom and dad are out. >_O
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