A "Do Whatever the Hell I Want" Badge
I went and saw Transformers the Movie today with Allen at the Famous Players/Cineplex at... I don't know exactly, but I think it was around Yonge and something to the north. Anyway, it turned out to be a rather good movie for someone who is a fan (but not hardcore fan) of the stuff. Al had lukewarm thoughts about it all but that's because he was more of the die hard fan. Anyway, I didn't do anything else much today except go home afterwards and just relax in the comfort and the companionship of my trusty radiation bombarding computer set up. I chowed down on a few Bagel Bites and they weren't half bad so I'll have the other ones tomorrow for lunch. I'm still looking forward to practices for LoaH and retreat this Tuesday and Wednesday nights.
Speaking of movies, I got around to watching Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire last week and there's something about Emma Watson's look that I just can't place. She's definitely not ugly or anything, but I just can't decide conclusively whether she's got a delicately amiable or ever so slightly annoying face. I mean, her character's hair
I also spent a good chunk of my evening listening to a lecture/workshop given by John Piper about living by faith in future grace. I regret to say that I had been slightly distracted while listening for the latter half of the message so I didn't catch all the little gritty bits as I normally like doing but the general gist was quite stirring to say the least. I'm not even going to attempt paraphrasing or summarizing the message. If you've got the longing and craving for it, check it out for yourself here (whereas the larger set of links and pages of his work can be found here). It's cool stuff to me, but in random bursts at best. Too much of a good thing (in this case, over-saturation with new ideas on divine matters) too fast is probably not the best--cramming such things all at once proves to be a bad way to really reflect, consider, discern, and internalize well and properly.
Labels: Christianity, Funny, Photos, Review
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