bitch and whine
all you want. i don't care. revenge, spite, and jealousy don't really suit my style but i'm not going to impose my values on you. maggots are lowly creatures that are only good for stomping on, not worrying about. comments and assumptions lacking a foundation of all the present facts and information are usually incorrect and unfounded; thus, don't be a maker of such idiocy. what pisses me off is not that maggots don't like me. i would never hold anything against anyone just for disliking me because that's retarded in my opinion. what can i say? there's plenty to dislike. in fact, here are some steps towards hating on others:
1. Select a legitimate reason.
- personality
- attitude
- physical features
- (other) ________
(no need for a third step)
i'm not the type to sit around all day, moping just because a pack of vultures sit around watching my every move, waiting for a chance to strike. on the other hand, if these contemptuous comments were coming from people that really know me, i'd have to wonder "do i deserve this?" but they aren't so i can rant all i want. i know i didn't do anything horrendously wrong to deserve this yet my back is constantly pelted by menial attemps at bringing me down.
i'm trying hard to rant about you stupid losers who sit around tracking my marks and performance without being excessively obsene. one day, i swear, your cowardice will push me too far and i'll have to go uber-hyper-explosively-crude with my language on you. but then again, that day may never come because it takes a lot to really piss me off like that.
so, bitch and whine all you want, i'm still going to do whatever i want to do, whenever i want to do it, and however well i want to do it, so drop the whole pissy selfconscious jealous loser act before it gets old, not that it should've ever been new.
it's funny, because i know that eventually, ONE of you will read this (hopefully) and find a kind of sick satisfaction in knowing that you made me write this whole post just because of you. that's right, i'm sure you read this garbled mix of ideas and opinions, and that you complain about it too. my only solution (that you were - i guess - too stupid to see) is to NOT READ my stuff. if you don't like it, go away. i have no time for scoffers, mockers and retards.
jimmy eats world always makes me feel better when this kind of stuff happens to me.
this has been a continuation of "...and then one day..."
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