Thursday, July 19, 2007

info @ the P.Pole 07.19.07

This is the big 500th post! Woo! Thank you! Thank you! This place couldn't have come this far if it weren't for you (or me, I suppose).
Last night's LoaH didn't really go as great as I'd have hoped but I suppose it can't be helped. Anyway, I still think it was alright (it could've been better... or could it?). The amps never came (in time) and I assume they are probably going to arrive between now and next week (right when we're done "needing" them). I guess it's probably best though, that we didn't get new bass and guitar amps to play with in the rain. I think we did what we were decided on doing. I just hope we've got some better weather foreknown for us in the weeks/Wednesday evenings to come.
In other news, I've officially begun a new game of Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together on my PSP as of two days ago. I finished Final Fantasy Tactics rather abruptly (I had no idea I was fighting the final battle until I beat it and credits were scrolling) and so I've put that aside now (I plan on going back to it and unlocking all the other special characters, weapons, and items for the hell of it some other time). TO is looking finer than ever on my hand-held screen.
I remember I'd "accidentally" cheated in one run through of the game where I changed the level of one of my guys to 99 (when he had originally been level 30 or so) meaning that I basically skipped all the stat gains I could've had between levels 30 and 99. Of course, this made training my other characters easy (I had them throw rocks at the uber leveled guy and gain instant levels) but left me with a completely useless character (think... level 100 Magikarp with Splash).
Anyway, this time I'm going clean and I'm not going to use any Gamesharks (even though there are such homebrew applications for the PSP). I rather enjoy strategy games like FFTactics, Tactics Ogre, and the super cool Disgaea series. There's something about collecting characters and setting them up how I want that makes for fun times. Of course, that sounds a lot like how little girls play with dolls and dress them up so I'm now going to sulk in my accidental revelation of homosexical tendencies. Just kidding. "For goodness' sake, it's a gay pride parade, not a gay shame festival!"

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02:21, Blogger Alex S. Leung:

There's an interesting conversation going on on my website at the post about Erwin McManus' Soul Cravings.

Active parties in the conversation are:
"Nathan" - Nathan Neighbor whose dad is Ralph Neighbor who is pastor of Mosaic Pasadena. Thus he's quite adamant on defending McManus since he practically works for him. ( Also, Nathan quoted me here on his site.

Pastor Ken Silva - a friend and mentor of mine. Pastor of an Southern Baptist church in Connecticut; director of Apprising Ministries & the Christian Research Network; apologist & Bible teacher.

Feel free to chime in.


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