so i haven't...
been home much lately. by lately i mean the last, oh, five days. it all started with Teens' Conference (9:00 am till 9:30/10:00 pm). there passed my monday and tuesday. next, came "Last Supper" rehearsals. being the highly dedicated team/cast/crew that we were, we spent most of wednesday (6:00 pm to -late- for set-up), thursday (4:00 pm to -midnight- for set-up continued and drama rehearsals), and almost all of friday (10:00 am to 11:30 am for Good Friday service, then 12:00 pm to -late- for last minute prep and rehearsal, then show time) at church, prepping and practicing. after all that, i'm about to head out, back to church, for the repeat airing of "the Last Supper: A TJCAC Production". i admit, the "results" and "harvest" at the end of last night was nothing near what i had expected and i must say, i'm tired, i'm bored, and i'm just about spent. but you know what? it's all good. cause we know it's what God wants to do, so who am i to throw in the towel?! He'll deliver in the end.
"...because You say so."
- Simon Peter
press on
that we did. although there were many horrific problems that could only be attributed to the dark forces, i think we pulled it off quite nicely just the same the second time around. settings were changed on their own accord, appliances were dying unexpectedly/for no reason whatsoever, controls were moving on their own accord, the works. Lucifer is real. what's also real is that, with a lot of help from our friendly neighbourhood God, we kicked his ugly ass. [run="scene 4 - Jesus' Entrance"]
the moral of the story is that you win some battles, you lose some battles. what counts is that He already won the war.
the dark forces... youre right. it never hit me tho until now that Satan can use things in the physical realm as well as spiritual. he can use "anything"... at least when God allows him to (like Job)
would God consider it a sin, do you think, if one curses Satan? i mean, Jesus said to love ALL of God's creation, but, this is Satan we're talking about...
ya thats a good question. Jesus said to love our enemies right.. but would that still be the case since satan was the one who made us think people are our enemies in the first place? I guess we'll just leave him to God... haha is this a good discussion to stick on the forum?
you a/v people were amazing.
good job =)
*thumbs up!
that is a goood question.. first i think what Jesus was saying when loving our enemies was refering to a physical being, not a being within the spiritual realm. Because as seen, when Jesus was tempted by Satan... he did not show love, instead rebuked the temptor.
During the Fall of Man, in Genesis 3:14 God said to Satan who craftly disguised himself as a snake "cursed are you above all livestock and all the wild animals and etc"
But in general the Bibles says not to curse= to swear, sooo no cursing i guess. As for Satan just leave it up to God, while we resist Satan.
At 3/28/2005, d.orksterrr thought:
*Everyone* were amazing.
good job =)
*thumbs up!
there, that's about right.
ok ya obviously you dont literally LOVE satan.. but since swearing (and all negative behaviours) came from satan, swearing/ cursing at him actually would be towards his favour? because he caused God's people to use profanity.. soo we just.. righteously reject him.. whatever that means =s
.....RIGHT?! haha
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