sorry guys, about putting the info post off until now.
5 current things to do with me:
- i have started to watch The Office (finished season one, working on season two) and i must admit that it is just as good as Herm & Co. hyped it up to be
- Alizée has become my most/first/only favourite French pop-et-rock chanteuse (i think it might have something to do with the way she said "Merci." at the end of the video i posted up); i'll be posting a few more, but later on, just to make you guys wait
- first cuts were made to yearbook hopefuls and i made it, so i'll be having a meeting tomorrow at lunch to discuss further sorting out of the shake-its from the bake-its
- i totally killed the last history test and i'm actually very surprised (more on this in a bit)
- i have finally grown weary of wasting hours and hours with MSN on -- actually, it's more like my MSN Messenger likes to suck big time and not be fully compatible with my router system, meaning that it cuts my internet sometimes to log on, resulting in me using pretty much only Google Talk nowadays
about my history test, i scored a whopping 39 out of 40 (98%!!) on the latest test on the Holocaust/pre-Pearl Harbor period. i had pretty much given up on this course as i was receiving disgusting marks for no good reason and had just reasoned the teacher is a total jackass. anger aside, she really is messed up, regardless of what kind of marks she gives. it's how she does things that bugs me. funny thing is, she specifically started making tests with written components worth 50%, in my opinion, because people like me were doing well and you can't mark down right/wrong answers. naturally, i've been quite nasty in all things subjective in this course for the longest time. the morning of when i got this test back (i actually had no idea she was going to return it that day) i clearly remember praying to God for mercy from my history teacher (because i had forgot ALL my essay materials -- i.e. research notes folder + draft 1 -- at home, and this was apparently, a huge deal). i didn't exactly get what i expected. the librarian/assitant teacher for this essay was a total biznatch about me forgetting and made it a point to talk extra loud so that the entire class had to know that i, the oh so finite human being that i am, somehow found a way to forget things. she claimed that it was unfair that i had finished all my work on time and had simply left it at home with no one to bring it to school and to receive an extra day to bring it in to her. yeah, really unfair. i'm sure the rest of the class would really go up in a riot if she gave me an extra 24 hours to hand in something to her. anyway, i walked away from it before i got asplosive with her 1) incompetence as a "teacher" in holding the attention of a class and 2) two-facedness. after going on and on and on about how unfair it would be for me to hand in something late without penalization, she lets the class know that she herself forgot to mention certain things and forgot to photocopy certain things that would be essential for our essay writing (things such as, oh i don't know, expectations and outlines of what would be expected in terms of... hm, lemme think...
everything). that's a bit
unfair, don't you think? well anyway, i didn't exactly get a break with forgetting my stuff, but i did get a huge break on my history test. my teacher -- God bless her, especially because i don't like her -- actually gave me 20/20 for my written piece (which, you should know, is completely impossible) and then 19/20 on the fill-in-the-blanks section (on which i believe i received help directly from God). i think this because i simply cannot remember dates and information like dates for my life. i just can't. my mind isn't made for that. i humanly cannot remember that kind of trivia knowledge for anything more than 10 minutes. yet i got all that stuff right on the test. i only got one mark off, and even that was lucky. a question asked that i name 4
middle eastern countries in a league. i guessed all 4 and actually got 3/4 right. God's insanely cool like that. anyway, i must thank God for His providence (however sneaky and unexpected it may be).
EDIT: Thank you, Anonymous, for your wise advice. Though there'll always be a certain gap between a perfect ideal (Christ's example) and everyday people, it's always good to pursue something that's just out of reach, wouldn't you agree? Thankfully, "there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." (Romans 8:1).
Labels: info
you say you're sorry for your sins, but every other blog has hatred towards someone in it. i realize you're trying to establish change, but perhaps less bad things to say about other people would be a start...?