info @ the P.Pole 05.06
4 notable things of the end of May:
- softball tourney + BBQ yesterday = good fun... playing football!
- do not eat 2 hotdogs and about a bazillion (more like +5) hamburgers before running, jumping, throwing, and catching
- TTC strike
- pissed off drivers/conductors are finally having a stand and i actually support them, even though i have no idea how many of them were attacked/assaulted/whatever
- this event really sucks for those who have no other [practical] options for transportation, especially that doctor i heard about this morning: apparently, there was a physician who had no other way to get to work, though one must wonder why a practicing doctor such as him/her would not just drive their car or even hire a taxi...
- +30°C weather, and ≈ 40°C with smog and humidity, and +50°C with ultimate frisbee
- cold showers
- sticky clothing
- lack of clothing
- high school woes are here
- Economics: final commentary due tomorrow
- History: final research essay due tomorrow, along with WWII Oprah/Springer/etc presentation scheduled for tomorrow
- Careers: ...
- French: study of Molière's le Bourgeois Gentilhomme will be concluded soon, bringing a final test
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