info @ the P-Pole 06.27.05
well, the first info-list of the summer... and what a time summer is. a time for mo-liu to the max so...
5 mo -liu things i like to do:
- ring my own doorbell and pose as a salesmen, but my mom always knows... i think she sees through the peep-hole...
- hide my cats' toys around the house and time how long it takes them to find it...
- play the staring game with strangers on the bus
- borrow my friends' stuff and not give it back, counting the days until they realize
- watch movies again and again until i can watch it on mute and voice the lines myself...
i think you are.
ur fifth thing, watch movies again and again until i can watch it on mute and voice the lines myself, i sometimes do XD lets pick a movie to voice together HAHAHA we have the time
in response to moyee's comment:
very well, it's a deal. Napolemon, i choose you!
way ahead of you. "yessssssssssssss".
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