Here's to you.
so let's see, i used to think that you were quiet and reserved, saying nothing of what you might've thought of me. that was a long time ago and since then, i've gotten to know the real, super cool you. and i'm still lame and strange. always ready with something witty or random or downright hilarious to say, you always manage to lighten my mood. speaking of, we seem to have a certain telepathic understanding when it comes to certain things, which i find pretty cool. sometimes, it's almost like it's a no-words-needed type of thing with us sometimes. très cool.
for next sentence, let (sister) be (b). you're kinda like my (sister)rother from another mother, which you are literally, in a sense. those last sentences were also examples of the degree of randomness you are quite admired/respected/known for. you manage to help me get by by talking me through tough times and you help me to get back up and struggle it out. good-up to you. you're one of those people that i could spend hours with without getting bored or even slightly annoyed. knowing people like me, i think that's a compliment to you. (>_O) i can't think of one time i've ever been annoyed by you, regardless of your often and sometimes sporadic abuses of the verbal kind. i know you don't really mean it, so it's all good. i hope anyway... you're always up for an interesting time. you even tagged along with me as i went for my runs this past summer. by the end, i was out of breath whereas you were barely breaking a sweat. of course, you were on your bike. i think we met a long time ago, during march break. that was back in the old days when Stephen would go bowling and drag you and i along. since then, i think i've gotten to know and like you a lot more for your unanimously - agreed - upon - by - all (oh, redundancies) quirktacular antics. simply amazing. so don't ever think you're lame'd or whatnot, since you've got someone (as in, i) who knows lame when he sees it telling you that you're uber cool. don't ask how i would know lame, because i think we all know the answer to that question. : )
consider yourself dedication post'd, Moe.
you're kinda like my (sister)rother from another mother, which you are literally, in a sense
telepathy'd.. i was gona say that. not with the ( ) tho
ünтнınĸıng just became undeserving.. peace out