Tuesday, September 20, 2005

info @ the P.Pole 09.20.05

okay, so i was one day late for the I@P but i had a valid reason. actually, 4 valid reasons: math, science, english, and french. school work is quite bogging but oh well. btw, click the title for "Stick It to Your Man" by the Roman Candles. oh yum... *rubs hands*

5 things i could waste use hours of time on:
  • homework
  • MSN, Google Talk, blogging, basically anything internet related
  • reading
  • coming up with my own little "interpretive dance" routines for my techno music
  • browsing for legit music - my playlist is now up to 350+ legit tracks
oh man, it's official, my french teacher is in love with me. she goes out of her way to make sure i know that my work was "magnifique! bravo - Larker - ! bon travail!" et cetera... O.o



20:10, Blogger dorr.:

ewww you took french again!? ahhh! i dropped french after grade 10 =P

21:12, Blogger Unknown:

i happen to be in grade 10.
French also happens to be a mandatory course for [pre] IB.
i also happen to enjoy French very much.

22:56, Blogger ten:

i happen to not understand a word of french..

actually, i do. a word. bonjour.


20:26, Blogger melissa:

dahaha go french nerds xP *wee*

20:55, Blogger quierdo:

no comment, but french is an okay english.

22:01, Blogger Unknown:

ah non, l'amour de mon coeur n'a pas du commentaire. je vais pleurer comme un bébé à cause de ça. ah, je blague. mais je ne suis jamais un "nerd" de la langue française, mais je l'aime beaucoup. c'est ça. aussi, si je veux, je peux écrire des choses secrètes que je ne veux pas montrer au tout le monde. les choses comme quelle fille j'adore, pouquoi je l'adore et qu'est-ce que je pense d'elle. oui? ouais. mais biensûr, si elle ne peux pas lire ou comprendre le français, elle ne peut pas me donner des rebouclages... mais ça va.

22:18, Blogger ten:

;____; mm sic taai dangit

08:52, Blogger quierdo:

got all of that except for one wordd. i think.


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