Karl the Pineapple : Episode 4
They were sitting around the campfire and Karl the pineapple was telling the sundae the story of the little match girl. He told the tale with feeling and Sundae thought to herself, "That pineapple is the best best story teller ever alive." She started crying and asked for a happier story, possibly one that included cranberry sauce or umes - which are, for those of you that don't know, creatures of a medium size. Not many creatures are medium sized. A lot are really tiny, and others are gigantesque. But it all depends on what each creature was compared to.
A pillowcase man would say a pillowcase man is normal, but an elf would say that a pillowcase man is quite large. An ume is medium sized compared to Sundae and Pineapple, and they collect crystal chairs called tripods. Karl said that was silly so she gave him a look.
He proceeded to tell her the story of Tin Tin and his little dog and how they took a ride in a spaceship to get to the moon and solve a mystery. She said that riding in a spaceship would be a lot like driving.
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