Thursday, April 28, 2005

Karl the Pineapple: Episode 3

So with that said, Karl thought about the tie he saw an apricot wearing the other day. It had black, yellow, and white stripes and he thought about writing a story about the sweet sundaes. Air molecules were tap dancing around him and he was in awe of the swirling parachute.
When he got to the bottom, Sundae was talking eagerly of a place where bagels grew on trees - already cut in half - and there were no straight lines or boxes. Karl began to fold up his parachute, but she grabbed him as if he had committed a terrible crime.
"Don't fold it up neatly when we can show everyone these awesome colors!"
They walked towards the setting sun because she wanted an adventure and the best one would be if they ran after the sun and captured it. So they rambled on with their parachutes dragging. Karl the pineapple told her stories he thought she'd like and she spoke of ridiculous ideas that came with a deeper feeling.
How do you think bobby pins feel? Would you like to live in the land of aphrodisiacs? Do you ever ask about the important things in life?
"Everyone gets so jealous."
"Of what?"
"Of everyone else."

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