Monday, June 06, 2005

Karl the Pineapple: Episode 5

She started to cry and he asked her why. She said that sometimes it was overwhelming to be extremely different. He didn't say anything but her weeping soon carried her off to sleep.
She was on her back looking at the setting sun when Sundae told him they better hurry or they would lose and Karl interrupted her as he told her about how Tin Tin and his dog got in a rocket and went to the moon. There was a mystery to be solved there. Kalr liked telling this story to her; she listened and enjoyed the childish tale and he didn't feel at all ridiculous for telling it. They talked until stars shone in the navy sky.
"See that star right there?" she asked.
"Which one? That one or that one? Or maybe that one; you know, there ARE millions of them..."
"The twinkling, bright one."
"That's Polaris." he said.
"No, it's Karl the Pineapple. I named it for you." She beamed.
"Um, I don't think you can do that Sundae..."
"Why not?! I just did! Now you have a star named after you." she said.
"Well, thanks. I'll name that bright one over there Sundae."
"No, you can't. That's Venus."
"Well... then..." He grasped at straws for something to say.
"How 'bout we go to visit the Venutians and ask whether we can name it Sundae?"
"In a rocket?!"

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