in my endless quest for...
tinkering, i tried my best to make my Windows XP (eugh, have to get Linux soon) desktop look fancy. i went for a darker, somewhat melancholy mood (note: the black). you can almost make out my playlist on my Winamp (zoomed somewhat, with photoshop). almost. my res is set pretty high, leading me to believe that that is the cause of my strained eyes as of late. oh well. TuneUp Utilities is quite useful, i find. also note that the gigantic magnifying glass is my actual cursor, no photoshopping involved. okay not really. but you have to admit, if it was, i'd be just a little cooler.
EDIT: damnit. my bass seems to need a proper set up as the strings are hitting the frets a little too much when i play. this can be fixed by a technician who'll adjust the saddles and the truss rod. now, you know i'd like to do these things myself rather than leave a baby of mine to some stranger for (up to) two weeks' time, BUT i don't want to be responsible for damages to my bass (i.e. broken truss rod) even though it doesn't sound like such a complex process - i read up on fine tuning my bass. i guess it takes precision and experience, something i am, sadly, lacking. so i'm guessing that i'll have to take L&M up on their "free set up" offer. that'll happen... i'm not sure, as i do not know whether i can take the sanctuary's bass to HSC (sunday worship may need it right?). i don't think playing my bass as is will be unbearable but that damned buzzing is bloody annoying. maybe when school starts. oh bloody garbage, school. right.
Here is my lovely desktop. Background is Jun "Dynamite" Ishibashi from 10K Commotion. I'm using a white OS X-ish theme right now, and those things to the left are gDesklets, which monitor the system and look cool.
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