How was your week?
Woooooooo... What a week. Well right now I'm feeling pretty good (yeah, I know, I'm shocked too). Let's see... I don't actually remember a lot of this past week -- maybe that's why it's been a good one... -__-" I do remember having a lot of work and whatnot. I also remember a little pre-lab quiz i took today.
Apparently I was supposed to read up on a set of instructions for a lab to be conducted today. Well, needless to say I didn't (because it slipped my mind, probably because I was slaving over an essay last night) and so I was completely unprepared for it. The questions were: "Describe the positive test for Oxygen.", "What's the name of the indicator used to test for acidity?", "How many drops of this indicator will be used?", and "What substance will the metals be introduced into?". I somehow, by the grace of God, guessed 3/4 answers. Glowing splint test, (blank), 3 drops, and water were my answers. I got all three of my answers that I'd guessed right and my friend, who actually read up on it, now hates me for it. I didn't guess that the second answer was "**phenalphthalein", but hey, that's just a bit TOO fluky if I'd 'guessed' that.
I've also been required to thesis-ize and outline-ate my essay in one night, and write the entire first draft the night after. That was actually not that bad, despite me sleeping at eleven (sort of late for me) for a couple nights in a row. Well, my essay is looking pretty solid so far -- I chose a good topic with a variety of well supported points -- so I'm not too worried about it.
Not such a great topic without much supporting evidence is the fact that some people at my school have a certain... je ne sais quoi... for me. I actually find it a bit ironic that these people -- other guys, if I'm not mistaken / misinformed -- dislike me because a) I do well in school, and/or b) I do not particularly socialize with them. Now if they were of the touchy kind of girls that believe it to be a contemptible offence to not talk to them, I'd feel at least a little sorry. However, they most definitely are not delicate females, which only further urges me on to laugh at their presumptions. Apparently, not only do men now wear make-up, they can now act like women. What a world we live in, huh? Apparently, I am arrogant, antisocial, and a nazi by trade.
Hm, now I wonder... what did I ever do to deserve such labels? I'm not particularly bugged about such remarks (though I am blogging about it for lack of juicier material) but I want to try and figure out what part of my day to day, mind - my - own - business and keep - to - myself ways would instigate such hostility... Maybe they think that because I don't particulary choose their company over that of my two great school "say-dong"s [kinda like... "death brothers" in chinese], I am now, by polarization, opposed to... them being alive? Haha, that's pretty funny.
Johnny boy always played the fool.
He broke all the rules,
So you would think he was cool.
He was never really one of the guys,
No matter how hard he tried.
Often thought of suicide.
It's kind of hard when you ain't got no friends.
He put his life to an end;
They might remember him then.
You crossed the line and there's no turning back.
Told the world how he felt
With the sound of a gat.
- P.O.D., Youth Of The Nation (excerpt)
Sadly, I don't think that they've learned what I've learned: that one needs not receive [any] attention from another [whatsoever] to be on good terms with them. I seriously have nothing against these people, and I had even tried to befriend them (as they were new) in the first weeks of school. Adversely -- and much to my chagrin (I love that word) -- they decided from these very first (and what I would think to be better than normal) impressions of my character that I am arrogant and insolent. How did that happen? Beats me, but that's alright. That's what I get for reaching out and actually making an effort towards being charming and friendly. :T Okay, so this does bug me -- just a little bit -- but it is out of my hands.
Moving right along, tomorrow will be Sandwich Run, which I have high hopes for. I don't know why, as I'd think that someone as cold as I would not enjoy such activities. I was and am however, quite drawn to the running of the bread + filler. It's just a great feeling knowing that you are given the chance to help people. It's also a good time for casual chit chat among team memebers about whatever thoughts befall them.
"What should we do then?" the crowd asked.
John answered, "The man with two tunics should share with him who has none, and the one who has food should do the same."
- Luke 3:10-11
I've taken up the whimsical hobby of carefully analyzing fellow bus-riders to do sketches of them later on. I think I shall be posting some -- if they're any good -- soon. It's surprising how very interesting the normally mundane can be with the just the right amount (and that's a lot) of observation. It's fun to make calculated guesses as to the personalities of others by just watching their mannerisms from across the aisle, though nothing beats first hand conversation in terms of accuracy. I am a public menace. I know of at least 3 or 4 people I've probably scared by staring intently at them for several minutes on end. God's creation is just too fascinating to pass up.
Today, as I was waiting for a friend after school (one of my 'say-dong's, Kishon), another friend ambushed me and cupped hands over my be-glasses-ed eyes from behind. Just by the two different scents on her wrists, I knew it was my friend from last year's french, math, and english classes, Joce. We talked a bit about what was happening with ourselves as Kishon gathered his stuff. It turns out our friendship wasn't totally killed with that little verbal altercation we had over the summer, which was somewhat of a relief. I would later learn of Kishon's intense -- mock, hopefully -- jealousy, as he's always had a... shall we say 'soft spot' for my friend. I reassured him that Joce was like that to every one of her friends, but jealous boys will be boys. Kishon's great, always up for cheering me up with his random comments and more-often-than-not humorous pokes at my/himself. He's also quite proficient with sexual innuendos, if you were wondering.
Today I also learned first hand of God's provision in all things, even to the tiniest details. Let me explain: there was a pizza lunch scheduled for today. Knowing this, I decided on not bringing a lunch to school. Oh how mistaken I was. It turns out that the promised pizza was not to come until after school.
So now I'm stuck without food and drink, starving to begin with. Thank God for friends, especially true friends like Shivon. After hearing of my misfortune, he offered me half of his sandwich. Declining this, I borrowed a dollar fifty from him for a chocolate bar (that I would end up not eating for lack of hunger). Unwilling to accept my hunger for what it was, he very kindly gave to me a large portion of apple slices prepared for him by his mother. What a friend.
Thanking God for the friend and food, I partook in the kind offering. If this wasn't enough, another friend -- not actually, more like acquiantance since we don't normally talk that much -- that I had talked to about her problems the other day -- only because I had felt moved to inquire about it -- offered me her second beef patty in math class. God always manages to provide -- and not always/almost never through the most logical/expected means.
I also talked some stuff out with a good friend this week who made me feel all the more reassured of God's presence here with me. It's kinda strange and almost sick, but God used the same stumbling block for the both of us so we'd have someone to relate with. I'd say that's another example of God using the messed up to His glory. Can I get a "w00t!" for God? ^-^
And those were the highlights of this past week.
EDIT: Yes Sherm, I have noticed that too. My first sandwich run two years ago was pretty... interesting. The second wasn't so cool as we didn't find that many people, though perhaps that's a good thing -- meaning they were out of the cold and hopefully somewhere warm.
wow, your post... can it get any longer?!
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