Monday, June 19, 2006

info @ the P.Pole 06.19.06

3 reasons fire is good:
  • it can be used to cook meat, and who doesn't love meat? i love meat. you probably love meat. lions and tigers (and ligers) like meat. ligers can't be wrong. even vegans love meat indirectly (they're made of it). therefore, everyone loves meat. if everyone loves meat, and fire is a complementary good to meat, everyone must love fire as well. they are partners in the sweet sweer crime of meating the needs of all society.
  • it is hot. i don't know about you, but i love hot. yes, it's true, i love hot because... well, because hot rocks. so many good things are hot. the sun is hot, and we'd die without it. just ask any photosynthetic organism, and he/she/it will testify to the sun's hotness and thus, goodness. ovens are hot. they are also where many deliscious things are conceived and from which are born. coincidence? i think not. if so many hot things are good, how can fire (which is also hot to a certain degree) be bad?
  • it can be made with zippos. last time i checked, zippos are cool. they can be used by both smokers and non-smokers alike. why do people smoke? simple: smoking is cool. no one would smoke if it wasn't cool. why do people not smoke? simple: not smoking is healthy, and a person's healthiness is directly related to their coolness as well. you've never heard of a sickly, pale, and dangerously frail person being a celebrity before, have you?** since everyone falls into these categories of either smoker or non-smoker, or healthy and unhealthy, we can rightfully say that zippos are for everyone cool. and cool things (such as zippos, celebrities, weapons, and cell phones) are good. if zippos (which are cool) are good, then fire must also be good, since zippos birth fire.
** Exceptions include: Steve Buscemi, Keanu Reeves, crack-whore Angelina Jolie, and Michael Jackson

so, i just did my french exam today for FSF 3U7 (Grade 11, university branch, IB level french). it was an hour and a half long, and it took my just under that to finish it. i spent a good 5 minutes checking my paper over before handing it in. i went into the exam with a 91% average for the course, which is pretty good for a semester of doing not too much and listening to my Creative Zen Micro (not to blow my own horn or anything). i had a crummy average at mid-semester because well, my french mark wasn't quite as hot as i would've liked (88%), my civics mark was a bit dirty for a course such as civics (87%), and my economics mark was... well, actually decent, given that it was one of the highest marks in my class (89%). i actually got a 92% in history last term, but i have a sneaking suspicion that Ms. Quejada gave everyone high marks to disappoint them more later on. since then, i think my economics mark has been either improved or held steady. careers (instead of civics, as these two courses last only half-semesters each) should be much better (i'm hoping my final project will impress Ms. McAdams so much that she'd give me a 100% instead of... 90 something). french, like i said, has improved, and history has dropped by 6 percent.
as things stand now, i've got 2 exams (of my total 3 exams) left, and both are on wednesday (one at 9:00 AM and one at 12:30 PM). i can get a maximum of 90-ish as my total if i get perfect on my history exam (i'm going in with a 71/80%, and the exam is worth 20%).. highly unlikely. i'm expecting something along the lines of low to mid 80's as my final mark. the economics exam should be easy, as there are 80 multiple choice questions. then again, my teacher (Mr. Messere -- pronounced "Mister Misery") is the tricky type, so i'm not too sure what to expect. anyway, since i've got the rest of today and all of tomorrow to not study, i'm going to do just that for the next 42.5 hours.



17:28, Anonymous Anonymous:

can you say pyromaniac? I CAN!

16:01, Blogger ten:

ahaha, sounds like zippo paid you (or you paid zippo) to have them advertised on your info @ the ppole :P

i've been wanting to dunk flaming marshmellows into milkshakes ever since i've watched that bailey's commercial.


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