Kick in the Mouth
Please, click the title to read my latest piece. I think it is actually very good and very insightful. I wrote it in response to my teacher (the one I really love and cherish, obviously) -- that oh so intelligent and fair Ms. Q -- requesting that I and 5 others in the class write her paragraphs. Go read it now. Continue reading here once you have finished.
Okay, so obviously, I am very sorry for my "heinous acts of villainy". I was even tempted to relate it all to "terrorism". Basically what happened was this teacher decided to pull a group of students out of the entire class and make them write paragraphs because they were "disrespectful" towards the announcers. In my own defence, I can honestly say that I said not much in the conversations during the announcements. Perhaps only replying here or there, yet obviously, this is a severe offence and I need to be disciplined accordingly. Even in spite of this, the entire class was chatting away, yet she decides to pick on us 6. So there is my paragraph, and I am handing it in tomorrow. I hope that you as my intelligent readers realize that nothing short of a complete lack of intellectual capacity is needed if you are to take it at face value. Then again, maybe you are just looking out for the "universal ramifications" of such "damnable deeds" such as quietly talking and say... loving kittens.
Seriously, I want to be around when she reads this piece. I mean, I worked a whole 5 minutes on it so I deserve to see her reaction. I call it ranto per hyperbole. Just goes to show that retarded people in authority (regardless of their oversized egos and undersized credentials + character) can't walk all over the everyday Joe Schmo.
Funny sidenote:
My dad and I had this little chat because of all this:
"Are you going to put my phone number down?"
"Sure, if you want."
"Okay, good."
"Why, may I ask?"
"Well, if she calls me, I'm going to give her a hard time."
[aside] "I love you dad."
haha i was reading that and i was like, there's no way *blur* (your name) means what he's saying in this paper. mrs quejerkface probably caught him talking and is making him write this.
and so there it is, mrs quejerkface is predictable
hahaha i can see your dad saying that. awesome.
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