attention: the following is not necessarily presented in chronological order.
this month i've managed to:
-feel like crap*
-continue to fall in love with a girl
-fall out of love with a girl
-get sabotage'd AGAIN
-return to school from Christmas holidays (yay...)
-eat several portions of coffee haägendazs*
-get sabotage'd
-check over my shoulder everytime i took a leak or walked down poorly lit hallways/corridors^
-watch "AVP" on DVD
-get horribly sick and miss school and church because of the aforementioned illness
-get sabotage'd A THIRD TIME
-fall in love with a different girl
-watch "AVP" on DVD AGAIN
-fall out of love with the other girl
-start the "p-pole"
-fall in love with the first girl AGAIN
-borrow american idiot from my cousin
-learn how to spell "onomatopoeia" among other vocabulary words "apprendre'd"
-bitch and whine about my crummy life*
-"write" an article through theft of others' material
-learn to play the intro to "i hear you calling" by GOB on my guitar
-sit through and pwn my science exam
-piss off a couple people *
-rectify a couple of conflicts/disagreements i've had with certain individuals
note: starred items (*) are unconfirmed facts (i.e. either frequency or actual occurrence cannot be confirmed); however, as an issue of sheer probability, starred items have most likely happened with the time frame of 30 days. thus, are listed among my list of things accomplished in January.
note: accentuated items (^) are the results of these simple mathematical equations:
let x = sabotage, let y = "alien versus predator", let a = accentuated items.
"3x + 2y = a"
Hi! I´m Jokerette, I ended up in your blog and I took a look at it. I foud it very interesting and I felt very close to some of your writings.
About this specific text, I foud it tragi-comic, If it was a really bad moment for you and that was not the point, I appologise.
If you want and you know spanish please visit my blog: http://jokerette.blogspot.com
Congratulations once again.
Sorry if my english is not so good!! ^_^'
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