info @ the P-Pole 06.14.05
isn't it funny how when it's cold, we humans try to stay indoors to escape the cold and when it's hot, we bunker down in our homes to keep cool? not really. just goes to show that we live fairly sad lives. complaints fly to and fro regardless...
5 things i plan to do this summer:
- hacky my sack 'til it's got no more hack in it (hacky sack that is, not "self-hanky-panky")
- buy a new hacky sack
- tour Asia while picking up bootleg merchandize for all along the way
- hibernate
- read a little, game a little, run a little, play a little, it's all good.
@ chesto berry: curse, will o'wisp, confuse ray, rest
yum. chesto berry.
works best in a team with power hitters, as this dusclops set is stall/indirect damage.
i use it in battle tower (ruby/sapphire) with:
slaking @ lum berry
hp: 1/2 att: full spd: 1/2
earthquake, slack off, hyper beam, shadowball
opener: hyperbeam and smash stuff. heal if necessary.
dusclops @ chesto berry
s.def/def: full spd: full
curse, will o'wisp, confuse ray, rest
indirect: fun for latios/latias, shuckle, shedinja. confuse ray to prevent some hits. will o'wisp to lower attack. curse to chop off hp with 100% accuracy. rest to heal from cursing.
registeel @ leftovers
hp: full def/s.def: full
iron defense, amnesia, toxic, earthquake
stall: toxic'm (they don't switch much in battle tower. haha synchronize/mirror move/mimic), iron defense/amnesia up (whichever is more important at the time, then earthquake if necessary, i.e. against poison/steel.
this team has a minor problem with skarmories and salamences with high defense, speed, crunch, earthquake and flamethrower.
ahh don't tell mee. pokemon.
It looks like Pokemon has gotten a lot more complicated since Red/Blue.
that IS what my house is for after all...
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