info @ the P.Pole 10.16.05
This upcoming week is going to be a tad bit hectic. I've got, so far, 3 volleyball games (for which I will be skipping a fourth period of my school day each), and one volleyball tournament out by Martin Grove and Eglinton (near Lester B. Pearson Int'l Airport O.o) on Friday (meaning that I'll be rushing back to school and then to church after missing a whole day of school). I'll also have to catch up with whatever I happen to miss in my missed classes at the same time. i'm going to write my weekly list now.
6 issues that I've been mulling over:
- Which is the cause of the other, Satan or Pride (i.e. Sin)? Can Satan tempt himself? Since he chose to sin the very first sin (before he fell, technically; before a Devil who tempts existed), does that mean that even [some] angels were created with an instinctively sinful nature? Were the fallen angels created with a natural sense of pride? If so, were they 'flawed'? If Satan's temptation isn't essential for sins to be committed, would Eve have eaten the Fruit without Satan's 'help'? There will be no temptation or evil in heaven when Jesus Christ brings all believers there, but were temptation and evil present in heaven prior to Lucifer's fall? O.o
- Angels are loved by God. As there cannot be love without choice, angels must've been given the ability / priviledge of choice. Some chose to disown God. Can the fallen angels be saved from their sins, and if not, why not? Are they not, like everything else, created (and loved) by God? If they (like man) can choose to sin, can they choose (like man) to return to God through His death and resurrection and thus, be saved from their sins? If there is choice for angels (in heaven), will we have choice (and therefore, the capacity to sin) when we go to heaven? If not, then how can love exist in heaven? O.o
- Are God's perfect plan and the reality of a fallen world contradictory or complimentary? Did He plan for Lucifer (and effect, all of mankind) to fall or did He simply allow the choices to be made? Naturally, one will wonder: if the possibility of a sinless world could have been entertained even if only for a moment in time, would - for just that moment - there be no purpose behind, no need for Jesus Christ['s sacrifice], thereby eliminating the need for a third of the Triune God completely? If such a moment never existed, was the world was doomed to sin from the start? O.o
- God loves all of His creation (meaning everything in existence). Does that mean that He loves Satan? If not, does that mean that His love isn't perfect, complete, infinite, and all-encompassing, or does God just choose to whom to extend His love? How can all men be equal in the eyes of God if He chooses to save one over another? Since Jesus died that all sins may be forgiven in hopes that creation could be returned to God's side, can the Devil (and the other fallen angels), in theory, be saved from sin (i.e. if he/they were acceptant), or does Jesus' power to save only extend to mankind? If God loves Satan, what does that mean for us Christians, who are called to be like Him in every way possible? Should we pity, ignore, love, or hate Satan? What would Jesus do? O.o
- Is sin something that is created or is it like an energy that can only be transferred but never created or destroyed? If sin cannot be created - isn't alive, per se - how can it be put to death by Christ? How can we believe that God will abolish Satan and evil forever if it cannot be destroyed? Let's say it was created and that it can be destroyed. But, if it was / is created, who does the creating? God created everything; is sin/the sinful nature of humans a creation of God? How can this be if all that God creates is good and meant to be pleasing to Him? O.o
- Under which conditions does pudding have the perfect consistency / viscosity / attributes for use as a facial cream? Will flavour have any bearing on its performance as such? O.o
I feel like the mentally disabled father from I Am Sam who doesn't have all the answers and is frustrated. But the answers are not what matters. "One's mental capacity has absolutely no bearing one's ability to [be] love[d by God]." (**Michelle Pfeiffer, I Am Sam, paraphrased and brackets added by me). That movie was really good. Very moving and meaningful.
Of course, answers / personal hypotheses to the questions are welcome. spread the love / enlightenment! I guess we're all doomed to a life of seeking more and more of His face. What fun!
Labels: info
psst michelle pfiffier said the line
sometimes i think being "deprived" like sam there might be a good thing. much will be required from whom much was given.. and what we dont know will never hurt, right?
but God gave us this much. may as well get on with it and do something .____.
that presupposes the existence of Lucifer, who does not appear in the Bible.
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