hoping for inspiration.
apparently, to some of my readers (you know who you are), my blog has become somewhat stagnant and boring - yeah right, as if it wasn't stagnant and boring to read before. i personally believe this is because nobody cares about MGS as much as me... i'm so lonely... well, i am currently reading and studying a book called "Hope Again" by Charles R. Swindoll (pronounced swindle? haha...) as a result of Hosanna fellowship's new reading program, which i initially thought of as severely troublesome but it might actually prove interesting, useful, and beneficial to me.
instead of my normal lukewarm, unenthusiastic approach to this kind of thing, this book seems to be quite entertaining and thoroughly engrossing to me, disproving arthur's theory - paraphrased from art, "boys don't like it unless it shoots, moves, or kills stuff". when he said this, i immediately thought of snakes... well, maybe the book won't be THOROUGHLY interesting, but somewhat/to a certain extent. i'm also hoping that this book gives me some "fresh air" to process my thoughts with.
"Hope Again" deals with feelings of hopelessness that everyone experiences in general but it deals explicitly with the hardships/feelings of dejection in Christian lives.
"...in a world that regularly writes dreams off as foolish and drains hope from the heart with dark pessimism, Hope Again is a voice crying in the wilderness...a word of enthusiasm for life in the midst of any difficult situation you are in."
-back cover of Hope Again
sounds right up my alley.
on another note, i'm sorry to say it but the initial rush of posts and ideas seems to have dissipated. you can expect less frequent posts due to "oppression and more pressing responsibilities to attend to" (i.e. school, i.e. math and english courses, i.e. annoying daily homework, i.e. damned educational system, i.e. "lucky me"). although i severely doubt that anyone of you is actually waiting for my next little instalment but this is just a friendly FYI/heads up (that let's me slack off ^-^).
YEAHHH ok thanks
as long as you remember the essay =P im waiting for THAT hahaha
or not if you dont feel like it anymore?
SILENCE! super-crazy-ultimate-uber top secret stuff aimed at piquing interest and inevitably disappointing shall remain "hush hush"!
ok fine
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