Friday, March 17, 2006

info @ the P.Pole 03.17.06

5 TC 2006 things:
  • team Abel: i didn't get to know all of you (or most of you) too closely, but hey, i'm glad we all had some great discussion times and i hope you guys took something useful from it all.
  • sermons: i think that Jim's messages must have impacted many of those in the audience. i was glad that his message of the Gospel was quite complete in that was not the fuzzy, fluffy, 'fun' version, and actually mentioned the more 'unpopular' and realistic aspects of it, such as self-denial and discipleship.
  • media: i didn't really like the media presentations because... well, it all seemed a bit overdone and dry at the same time. then again, the kids (in my team, anyway) seemed to have liked it and they found it interesting so i dunno, good up on the media team then.
  • worship: i think i had thought that it was Adwin's team that was going to be leading junior TC, but then i realized (on the day of TC) that that was not the case. maybe after being exposed to the senior team's style of leading worship, i thought the junior team was quite reserved and conservative. at the same time, i think the junior team lead worship quite well, nevertheless. sure, they didn't have any fancy drumming or any flashy guitaring, but those things aren't what make worship worship so yeah. i think they could have used a 'One Way' type song in their line-up though, just to harvest all the pump'd-ness of TC.
  • captaining: i went into TC with an ideal in my mind. i was hoping for the best, that all my kids would be nice and kind and pumped and out-going, and that i could basically leave them on cruise control. how wrong i was. we had a rough start, but (long story short) by the end of TC, i think our team had spent a lot more time bonding and talking than most other teams. i remember when our team was sharing testimonies/stories/whatever and right outside the room, another team was playing the 'Shove-A-Bum' game. i was afraid that my team had thought that my preference for discussions over 'fun stuff' was lame, and that i had failed them as a captain, but after TC, a few kids on my team came up to encourage me and to tell me that they wanted me to captain them again next year. i told them that i would love to have them again. i found it reassuring to hear -- from their lips -- that i had not completely blown this chance to serve others.
all in all, i've got to say that TC 2005 and TC 2006 were totally different experiences, from being an attendee to a captain. i think, i got a lot out of my team and i just hope they got something out of me.


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