info @ the P.Pole [SPECIAL EDITION: michelle]
halrighty dear readers. this week's special session comes courtesy of michelle. she's a bit older than i am, and has a tendency -- so i'm told -- to over-mother her friends. she's what you'd call the silent type, quiet and reserved. possessing a wealth of ideas, she's never been one to hold back in deep discussions or whatnot. quite a cool person, if i must say so myself. she's artsy and very much into her guitar and music. she's got a poetic tongue too, and so i'll spare you my blither-blather. here you go!
"5 ways to describe Larker:
- though not sure of who or what he’ll become, Larker is certain God will decide for him. he has no set dream of what he wants his life to be, but Larker knows God will let him know when it’s time. he wants to be able to help those in need, so he can put what God has given him to good use, to serve those who are in need of Jesus Christ. he just wants to glorify God’s name.
- though he cannot define much of anything as beautiful, Larker knows God is, and so is Jesus. beauty can be defined in many ways to many people, Larker says beauty is found on the inside. beauty, to him, is when characteristics of Jesus are apparent. beauty shines from within, out. true beauty always glorifies God, and all of God’s creations are beautiful. Larker knows when he’s found someone beautiful, when he feels as though he’s stepped on a landmine, and it explodes, setting off other mines like a chain reaction, then, he’ll know he’s found her.
- sure, he doesn’t say much in front of people, but that doesn’t mean Larker is egotistic or egocentric. whoever said being quiet was a bad thing? quiet people are the ones who see the most, know the most, think the most, and feel the most. maybe he doesn’t show much emotion or feeling to others, but it doesn’t mean he can’t feel.
- caught between two worlds. between what he wants to do, and what he knows he needs to do. sometimes, sure, curling up into a ball and wanting to die sounds appetizing. but is that what Jesus did? no. he keeps going because others need him too. but what about that wanting to be vulnerable? that want to be a kid again. it’ll be here. it’s just that God’s here too. He’ll watch over him, like a father would a child. he knows this, that’s what keeps him going.
- friendly. caring. generous. brotherly. intelligent. warm-hearted. kind. to himself. all about others. loving. lyrical. deep. philosophical. biblical. spiritual. gentle. strong. helpless. different. special."
Labels: info
thank you, thank you, thank you *taking a bow* lol. =)
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