Saturday, February 04, 2006

phat phourth

hello! good morning to you too (it's around 1 am right now). last night (as in, a couple hours ago) wasn't particularly fun or interesting, but today, i hope, will prove to be pretty cool. it is, after all, the fourth of february. fourths have become days of peculiar interest for me and i plan/hope on keeping it that way. and since i normally do something special just to mark these days, here is this month's little doozie (this time for my dear- dear readers to see >_O). i will have you know, i spent quite awhile measuring and calculating this out, so i hope it's appreciated if not for itself, then for the efforts. and as per my style (AKA my obsessive compulsive disroder), many/every little detail counts. have fun trying to find all the hidden gems!

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