info @ the P.Pole [SPECIAL EDITION: hoimin]
alright guys, here's the first of a good few of these babies written by certain others about me. this one focuses on one of my [past?!] interests, pokemon. before we get into the meat of the matter, however, let's get to know the author a little bit.
what can i say about hoimin that hasn't already been agreed upon by everyone else that knows him? he's my cousin, and my elder by a good 5 years. i must admit to him being one of the smartest -- rather, brightest -- people i know. there's a difference between smart and bright. everyone is 'smart' at things -- some at more things than others -- but 'bright' is different. 'smart' is like being particularly good at something particular just because. 'bright' is more like...
it's hard to describe, but hoimin is bright. it's like a certain je-ne-sais-quoi that certain people i know have. it's pretty cool. don't get me wrong, he's super smart too. because of this, he knows lots and jokes lots. i must admit that i am never bored around this guy 'cause well, he's a real interesting person.
some people -- adults in general come to mind -- think that he's a bit too... how do i put this nicely while doing justice to the the opinions? they think he's too lax. well, at least i'd think i myself would think that if i were a stiff necked adult. *shrug* he's my kind of guy: laid-back genius. he was -- and i believe to still be -- a PokeManiac.
seriously. if i ever have serious problems with academics, diplomatics, interpersonal-atics, or pokemonics, i can count on hoimin to give me some practical advice, whilst jesting at my predicaments wherever possible, tasteful, and necessary. gotta love it.
without further adieu, here you are. enjoy.
"if Larker were a pokemon trainer, which 5 would he select for his team?
(yeah, that's right, 5. because he's good enough to not need the full complement of 6.)Weaknesses: 5x Ice, 2x Grass, 2x Flying, 2x Rock, 2x Ground, 1x Fire, 1x Poison, 1x Dragon, 1x Water
Jolteon @ Focus Band (chance of preventing fainting)
Thunderbolt | Agility | Hidden Power (Ice) | Baton Pass
Larker opens off with Speed, and gives it an extra boost with Agility. if the opponent's opening pokemon is water or flying, then it will be fried or shot down. they will likely change to a ground type immediately, giving you a free Agility. Jolteon's main purpose is to Baton Pass its Agility to...Marowak @ Thick Club (raises Attack of Cubone or Marowak)
Swords Dance | Hidden Power (Ghost) | Earthquake | Double-Edge
Marowak. with Thick Club and one Swords Dance, Marowak's attack reaches 999 and will be able to nuke anything this side of Japan. Earthquake can kill anything that doesn't fly. Double-Edge takes advantage of the Rock Head ability to negate Double-Edge's recoil damage. Hidden Power (Ghost) kill nuke the pesky Ghost-types and Psychic-types. Marowak is exactly the type of pokemon that Larker likes to battle with: huge Attack and good Defense. naturally we'll name this Marowak 'Siegfried'.Breloom @ Salac Berry (raises Speed when HP is below 1/3)
Spore | Focus Punch | Return | Giga Drain
Larker is a big fan of quirkiness, and nothing is quirkier than a fighting mushroom dinosaur! Breloom is a Grass/Fighting type that excels in Attack and status affliction. he opens with Spore, automatically putting the opponent to sleep, and follows up with Focus Punch. Focus Punch is usually difficult to use because it works in two parts. it automatically goes first: the Focusing phase. if the opponent does not land a hit while Breloom focuses, then Focus Punch activates the second part: the Punch. and what a punch it is - with a base attack strength of 150! running off a pokemon with a 130 base attack is usually a one-hit-knockout (barring ghost-types, poison-types and defensive Claydols). the other two attacks are for support: Return for general big damage and Giga Drain to recover a bit of HP. Jolteon can also pawn off an Agility to Breloom, making it even more likely to pull off it's SporePunch combo.Walrein @ Leftovers (recovers 1/16th of HP each turn)
Surf | Sheer Cold | Double Team | Rest
If the situation warrants, Larker can change pace with Walrein, the giant ice walrus! With substantial Defense and Special Defense, Walrein can pull off a Double Team/Rest combo. Double Team raises Walrein's evade (it's so funny to think about... an evasive walrus!) and rest will heal up any damage sustained in that time. then Walrein unleashes Sheer Cold -- the only one-hit-KO attack that does not have a resistance against it (Flying types are impervious to Fissure; Ghosts are impervious to Horn Drill/Guillotine). however, there are pokemon that have the Sturdy characteristic, making OHKO's useless against them. the only Sturdy pokemon are Rock, Steel or Ground types - easily dispatched by Surf which receives a same-type attack bonus from Walrein's Water-type.Salamence @ Lum Berry (cures any STATUS ailment)
Dragon Claw | Flamethrower | Ice Beam | Crunch
if JoltWak leaves any leftovers, and Breloom and Walrein are exhausted, chances are the pokemon left on the other team are either asleep, paralyzed or nearly fainted. that's when Salamence sweeps in, Intimidating his opponent into a cowering ball. with maximized Special Attack, Salamence will have no problem wiping out just about any type of pokemon.
Strengths: 4x Rock, 3x Ground, 2x Water, 2x Dragon, 2x Steel, 2x Grass, 2x Flying, 1x Ice, 1x Electric, 1x Normal"
EDIT: yes guys, i realize that i haven't updated in a week. that is because, for february, i'm only posting these special info @ the P.Pole sessions, because... well, i'll tell you what it's not because of, and that my laziness. my lack of drive to do extra work has nothing to do with my P.Pole. i think i'll just find a cheesy excuse, like 'february is the month of love and therefore, in some far-out, cosmic way, i should only post posts written by friends (and in some caseS, family).' yeah, makes sense to me. *nods profusely* and if you've got a problem with my la--! with the cosmic reality of it, you can write me an angry letter and i'll post it here.
Labels: info
Salamence is the sexyness!
nice trash can xP send me your random pics!!
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