Monday, March 20, 2006

info @ the P.Pole 03.20.06

5 things i've been wondering about:
  • myself - i'm one to doubt and constantly criticize, especially myself. this is going to sound weird but... i can be thinking one thing and have another part of myself telling... well, myself, that it's not true. like i have multiple personalities that talk back and forth in my mind. maybe i'm possessed. actually, maybe i'm just insane.
  • wife - well, if He has it for me to love and serve one, that is. i wonder about what she'd be like. who's the perfect girl for me to take care of? will she be a good mommy? will she mother me?! hm, i wonder if she'll be cute on the outside or 'hot' on the inside? or both? hm...
  • modern Christianity versus Christ-following - i really agree that nowaday's 'consumer Christianity' is more than a far cry from true discipleship -- like that of the early Christians who lived and died together, united for and in God. but of course, i could very potentially be flamed for saying this. i guess that's because this brand of... well... 'diluted Christianity' has successfully become the norm.
  • heaven - there's really not a lot we know about heaven, but i dunno, i figure it wouldn't hurt -- at all, really -- to try and figure out just what it means to 'praise and exalt God forever' and to 'reign with Christ'... it's interesting to discuss this with others and find out what some other people think heaven's like. i also came to learn that, according to certain theories and trains of thought (which are actually very logical when properly explained), heaven is actually hotter than hell. that is, it is more discriminate and only those who can 'stand' the fires of heaven can dwell there. it's a bit awkward to grasp, but think about it. makes sense that 'bad people' would not be able to 'endure' living eternally in a community of people who, by nature, are loving and caring for one another. how hard it would be for the bitter and contrite to live amongst the peaceful and gentle. it's actually quite an inspired notion.
  • the Caramilk secret - who doesn't!
people tell me i must be in grade 12 or first year. i assume this is because ugly people look older than they are.



23:53, Anonymous Anonymous:

"ugly people look older than they are" - are you trying to tell me something larker? *sniff sniff* *runs away crying* i was told by my team that i look 20 or 20 something. or IN university, or out of :S? they thought i was lying when i told them i was 16. sigh...the cons of being ugly. haha.

heaven. all i see heaven to be is this beautifully indescribable land. where i can be with my Lord forever and ever. with Him physically sitting next to me.

don't worry - you're NOT alone with the voices in your head. me, myself, and michelle have pretty interesting conversations every now and then. arguing and conversing about different issues that are puzzling this one mind we all share. yet have such hugely contrasting opinions, hehe.

i wonder about my husband, too. it's good to wonder, i guess. but don't set too high (or low) of standards. just...let Him tell you. don't look for it. i think that's something i have to constantly remind myself of. to NOT look, but to just wait. patiently. and in due time, He will deliver =) just keep waiting brotha!

23:56, Anonymous Anonymous:

and it's good to not "set" this image of the perfect him/her. don't form this image or picture of what you think you want this person to be like. let God form this outline of "the one" for you. because if God presents you with the one He tells you is "the one", and you have this set image of him/her, you'll deny or reject the real one. just let Him tell you, that's all.

23:56, Anonymous Anonymous:

ahh! and it's not good to "set" this image... (correction, hehe =) )

19:15, Blogger ten:

...ya! thats exactly why i dont try to figure out what heaven's like! not that i can POSSIBLY be dissappointed or anything

it would be so awesome to live like the Acts apostles did. we'd be sharing everything, from money to burdens, and we'd be doing thinsg together like, 24/7!

and i agree with you, i am crazy. shut up moyee. no you shut up. stop! shut it, both of you!

19:18, Blogger ten:

i thought ugly people look younger, cause people think im 12.... the dentist lady turned on ytv for me when i went the other day. sooo sut bai, yo.


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