Prone to Depravity
I'm surprised I haven't posted earlier about David Crowder. He's like, the only artist of his trade (Christian worship music making) that I really enjoy listening to. Style points for his music -- though his freaky hair and beard are also quite... different. Anyway, this song is one of my favourites from him. Have fun. Click title for download.
I am full of earth; You are heaven’s worth.
I am stained with dirt, prone to depravity.
You are everything that is bright and clean,
The antonym of me: You are divinity.
But a certain sign of grace is this:
From the broken earth flowers come up,
Pushing through the dirt!
You are holy, holy, holy;
All heaven cries “Holy, holy God!”
You are holy, holy, holy;
I want to be holy like You are.
You are everything that is bright and clean,
And You’re covering me with Your majesty.
And the truest sign of grace was this:
From wounded hands redemption fell down,
Liberating man!
You are wholly, wholly holy;
All heaven cries “Wholly holy, God!”
You are wholly, wholly holy;
I want to be holy like You are.
But the harder I try the more clearly can I
Feel the depth of our fall and the weight of it all.
And so this might could be the most impossible thing:
Your grandness in me making me clean!
Glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
So here I am -- all of me --
Finally! Everything!
Wholly, wholly, wholly!
I am wholly... Yours.
I am full of earth and dirt and You...
- David Crowder Band, Wholly Yours
EDIT: This song speaks of the unregenerate man, the human being that cannot, from within himself, create or attain any goodness because of his total depravity from God. In simpler terms, this songs paints a picture of a person who is hopelessly helpless, and is to be completely dependant on God's grace, mercy, and lovingkindness if he is to truly live in God's light. Human effort/willpower is a false crutch that will ultimately still fall far short of God's standard of perfection. This is not to say that we are hopeless, for we, those elected by name by God Himself (not based on merit or gold but based on His good pleasure alone), have been provided with the gift of grace to hope upon. It can only be taken hold of and realized when we, the sinful saints, are given the [fruit of the] spirit of humility by the Holy Ghost and come to terms with our true position in light of God. Seeing our sinful state, the just wrath of God that it deserves, and yet the saving grace of God unwaiveringly covering us in one moment is a humbling experience. By Christ's work alone, we can stand naked before God, just as we are, without shame or dread, for Christ is our pride and joy. Repentance should be the natural -- and really, only -- response from us after witnessing such love and kindness, and repentance is not complete until a change of heart and thus, action, has taken place. Amen!
Labels: Christianity, Music
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