Sunday, October 22, 2006

Friday Night Shows

I had an awesome friday. Really, in spite of the failed math assignment, pop french quiz, and retarded english class (taught by a woman who once said in a stroke of genius, "One day we'll invent safe bombs."). My day was nevertheless great, as I met up with Al.
If none of you people know Al (I'm sure SOME of you do, since he did work at Jaffray for quite awhile), he's a seminary student/pastoral intern who formerly worked at TJCAC (until 2 months ago, when his schooling program's requirements took him to a presby church). Al and I had been meaning to get together and "hang out" (which usually means him buying me food and watching me down it), but had been unable to do so since he left. Well, I'd been pretty much buried in school and didn't make much time for getting out and having fun up until then. It was going to be fun.
So for our first stop, we went to Fairview, and we walked around talking about whatever was on our minds. I got to get some interesting insight from a wiser, older brother about stuff like how to confront people of different beliefs than yours in a Christ-like manner. It was a good hour and some of talking and laughing, while sipping drinks (he had a coffee and I had tomato juice).
Denise, Al's "female friend" (you know what I mean) decided to not meet up with us, and so we left Fairview after a short luggage hunt for Al's mother (he's a momma's boy I think). Allen decided to hit up a pool hall called "Le Spot" on Brimley and Sheppard (same plaza as Boston Steak House). Over a crap load games of pool (Al won most of 'em), we talked a bit more and just enjoyed the company. It was really great to finally go out and have some fun again, after a couple months of nothing really special like that.
For dinner, we hit up the Harvey's on Morningside and I had a triple burger. Like I'd mentioned earlier, here's the part where Al pays for food to watch me down it. And down it I did. I felt good after that. It's like, I'd killed and eaten three relatively small cows in one day. I felt useful, like I'd achieved something wonderful. Anyway, dinner took a whole seven minutes (you try eating a triple burger in seven minutes).
We hit up Savio for Hosanna right after and it was cool to have everyone go "Hey Al!" again. I think he liked coming back and visiting everyone. I liked it for sure. And here we are at the end of this post. It was a fun afternoon and night. It felt great to go and just do stuff, fun stuff, and chill with Allen again! >_O



21:24, Anonymous Anonymous:

OH DANG. that's a big burger. o.O

skzmo. at first i thought that said eskimos. haha. i love these word verification things x) i had "hivs" for the previous one that messed up and didnt get posted xP

anyways i should stop blabbing about randomness =) bye now!

15:39, Blogger vivian:

yeah, that's huge! lol

23:48, Blogger gusto5:

Le Spot is awsome, yo!


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