info @ the P.Pole 01.22.07
This week is the start of exam season for most of us in the TDSB and surrounding areas, and so (yes, you guessed it):
4 exams this week:
- Chemistry 3U7 (IB) Midterm: 01.24.07 (Cafe @ 1200-1400)
- The first one up also happens to be my favourite of the bunch, taught by Mr. Zupo. So far I've been doing decently in this course and I almost don't even notice Zupo's robotic speaking style--first brought to my attention by my good friend Kishon. This first semester's been full of mostly TAs teaching, so related tests and quizzes were relatively easier. One of the greatest things about this class is the fact that Zupo likes to party as much as we do, so we ended up having one party for each TA's farewell, as well as one for the Christmas Holidays. I'm feeling confident about this one and I shouldn't have any problem doing decently.
- Physics 3U1 Final: 01.24.07 (Burnhamthorpe CI @ 1600-1800)
- The second batter up is the one I'm most apprehensive about, as this was a course "taught" over virtual school. It also sits poised to start a mere 2 hours after the end of my first, expected to be taxing, chemistry midterm. If you have any sense of where Burnhamthorpe CI is, it's located a bit farther west than Kipling Station. That's right. I'm going to hitch a ride with a friend from school to this hellishly distant location so that I can write an exam about the five units of grade 11 physics, two of which our teacher thinks we have covered but have never actually so much as touched. Luckily, I am allowed a formula sheet and so I shouldn't do too bad. I could potentially rack up free points for writing just the formulas under each question where they are needed... I think I'll do that...
- Math 3U7 (IB) Final: 01.25.07 (Cafe @ 0900-1030)
- On the day immediately following what should be a hardcore day of Chemistry and Physics, I get a break with my Functions and Relations (and some Algebra Geometry) final exam. Ms. Yeganegi is the hostess of this little course of competition and she's been a great teacher for the past 3 years (all of my high school math career). I was sad to find out that my math course next semester would not be taught by her, as she is by default a chemistry teacher who teaches math as a second option--that's not to say she doesn't know her stuff, by the way. It turns out that she won't be teaching Calculus or Algebra Geometry/Discrete/whatever at the higher level so I won't be having her as a teacher anymore. Math is one of my stronger areas of study and I'm going in with a very lofty average. I still want to maintain that--which was a hassle to achieve in the first place--and so I'll be hitting up the review sheets Wednesday night for sure. Since I'm in grade 11 now, I think I'm going to take things a bit more seriously, since some of these marks will probably be used for university applications...
- Biology 3U7 (IB) Midterm: 01.26.07 (Rm. 202 @ 0900-1100)
- The last one to step up to the plate is the oh so lovable biology class, taught quite casually by Ms. Thorne. This class has been none too difficult (also mostly because of the strong presence of TAs during the former half of the semester). My suspicions about my affection for this field of study have been confirmed by the midway mark of this course. I like this course. It's fascinating to see life at work. This midterm should not be too hard if I take some time to review what we've done so far and can reproduce that onto my exam paper. Nothing too special about this course, except that Thorne gets pseudo-vertigo, not unlike Buster's "girl"friend. Mm, girlfriend. *miam miam*
good luck! pwn those exams! :)
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