info @ the P.Pole 12.15.06
So for this info session, let's just do a quick and messy summary of this past week. We'll start with the two huge pieces of work that were supposedly due (as far as I knew) Monday, which were subsequently switched to be due later (one two days after and another a month later). That essentially means I killed my weekend for nothing but now I'm scot free. Then we can move right along to the lack of short day on Tuesday due to having had a PD day last Friday. Wednesday was mostly insignificant, and yesterday was mostly boring. We have been working with complex numbers in math lately (rectangular form, polar form, and Euler's form). Not particularly hard or confusing, but tedious and mostly boring. I spent all of last night (save perhaps a half an hour immediately after returning home at 5 pm from a yearbook meeting for Bible soaking) slaving over an adaptation of Oedipus Rex set in current times. I'm thoroughly satisfied with the piece, though I really cannot take any credit since 1. it wrote itself practically and 2. I was to use lines directly from the text.
Today there was a mostly useless quiz on complex numbers and polar forms. Not hard, but Ms. Yeganegi (one that I've had for 3 years now) was being exceptionally anal today about the notation of angles for polar form. Needless to say, many of the IB-esque kids that didn't do to her liking were pretty angry, though I happened to be the one who spoke out against this kind of silliness (eg: accepting -pi/3 and not +5pi/3). I wasn't particularly angry or even brash, but somewhat bewildered at her obstinacy. Then again, she's a teacher that I respect, so what she insists should be taken with at least a hint of consideration for that. Oh well, better to screw up quizzes now than exams later.
Anyway, this past week has been one of revival and refreshing, though some pretty gawkard (adj.: so awkward that one would gawk ever so slightly at it) ideas and dreams have come across my mind. I'm sure the dream, at least, meant nothing, though the other ideas are much more confusing. Then again, perhaps my mind isn't functioning properly for a lack of sleep.
And yet here I am sitting perched at my usual roost, eating my usual meal (instant udon noodles) drinking my usual drink (chocolate milk) and scratching away at my usual tablet (you thought I was going to say "spot" weren't you!). I've been wondering for some time now: what kind of people read my blog? I mean, apart from my usual readers who comment from time to time on and whom I know in real life, I wonder at what kind of strangers have stumbled onto this blog and have actually stuck around to read more about my the orchestrated events of my life. By all means, if you stumbled upon here accidentally in the past but have stuck around to read, drop me a line in the comments sometime, as I'm quite fine with welcoming strangers. But before I delay my mind's departure into (hopefully) more pleasant pastures, I shall be leaving to shower and brush. Goodnight.
Wow, your teacher wants -π/3 and not 5π/3. That is interesting because usually, they like to restrict the domain to [0,2π].
Anyway, always remmeber, complex numbers are like a double shotgun. At least, our calc prof wanted us to remember that. He came up to all of us during our calc final and kept on saying 'double shotgun, double shotgun.'
haha i have no idea what those things are anymore... i can barely multiply :S tried it last night!!
haha i dont know your call to the strangers will be answered, since i dont know if they'll be interested in your school life... and not skip everything in this post. haha
did you read that book?
you have some...unique teachers
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