Saturday, December 30, 2006

info @ the P.Pole 12.30.06

5 new material acquisitions from the Christmas season:
  • $200 in cash donations
  • a 400 g ingot of Toblerone chocolate (original)
  • Sanctus Real's "The Face of Love"
  • Josh Groban's "Josh Groban"
  • a Logitech MX310 corded USB gaming mouse
This holiday season was actually quite awesome. I got a little bit of new stuff, but that's actually quite negligible compared to the amount of new experiences I've had a chance to... have in a short period of time. There was getting owned and played by "an unreasonable master" and subsequently finding one of the most direct and obvious connections between my Biblical life and my "real life"; spending and entire night and the next day gaming/Avatar-ing with a small group of brothers (and some sisters); having a blast of a Christmas Eve at church with brothers and sisters handing out gifts, eating, laughing, and just enjoying the company; spending another night and day with a different group of bros to game and mostly game; working very casually on some light homework and appreciating my teachers for not piling loads on my like those of some of my friends; and finally, wondering at the amazing things to be found, learned, and discovered in the handy work of God--the world's infinitely more intricate than you'd first think.
To be honest, I haven't done very much with my holidays so far. I've wasted most of my days gaming and the rest staying up tweaking my computer and whatnot. Then again, with the other days away from home I've managed to cram in tons of stuff like the stuff mentioned above. So it's about 50:50 in terms of how much time I'm wasting versus how much I'm doing to make up for lost time. And now I do believe it's time to calm down from the dangers of busyness. I think it's about time to sit and chat earnestly again with my father. Lately I've been ignoring his wisdom more often than not, running off to do this or that--I've been too busy or too lazy to take the time to sit and listen for his voice. I am hoping that this coming week can be more interlaced with Scripture and reading--like fat in veal meat--and that I'll be totally ready and willing come time for the English Congregation's winter retreat in a week from now.

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